Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2992: Go to the castle mansion!

"This rubbish, dare to say such a thing, if the people in the City Lord's Mansion heard this, it would be fine."

"Cut, you can only play tricks, who is Dongfangzhi, that is the number one arrogant of Jinling City, with a proud heart, even royal geniuses can't look down on it."

"Forget it, let him go."

In the discussion hall, no one took Xiao Chen's words to heart. The two families finalized the marriage of Li Ziyun and Ye Yun, and the housekeeper quietly retired and found Xiao Chen.

"Young Master, were you serious when you were in the hall just now?"

"Naturally, I happen to be looking for you, take me to the City Lord's Mansion, I don't know the way."

"Yes." The housekeeper nodded, and then took Xiao Chen to leave Li's house. On the way, the housekeeper opened his mouth and said: "Young master, the first master of Jinling City is the City Lord of Jinling. According to the master, the city owner has already It is because of the four-fold repair of Xuandan, and I don't know if it has improved in the past three years."

Xiao Chen glanced at the butler, and said lightly: "Don't worry, I will be the king in Xuandan."

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, the butler's body was shocked, "In the Xuandan area, I am the king", what an arrogant language, if it were before, he would definitely be Xiao Chen a lunatic, but he thought of the powerful pressure yesterday. , He had to believe it again.

"Did the Young Master reach the fifth-order realm in the legend, but how is this possible?"

Soon, Xiao Chen and the housekeeper came to the gate of the city lord's mansion!

"Young Master, wait a minute, the younger one will send the greeting card first!" said the butler.

"It's not necessary." Xiao Chen said lightly, and then walked to the gate. As soon as the four guards wanted to scold Xiao Chen, they felt a strong pressure coming, and they all flew out of the four guards.

The butler was stunned, then smiled bitterly: "Jinling City has been established for so long, this is the first time someone has broken in in this way."

At this time, in the guest room of the city lord’s mansion, the lord was talking with a delicate woman, and this woman was no one else but Dongfangzhi, the first beauty in Jinling City.

"Hey, Wu Feishuo is sinister and vicious, and he is notoriously small-minded. If you refuse him this time, I'm afraid it will be a disaster." The city lord sighed.

"I'm sorry, father." Dongfangzhi looked guilty. She couldn't think that when she went out, she would meet the legendary Wu Feishuo who was very cruel.

"It's not your fault, how could I bear to watch you be ruined by that cruel guy, and Jinling City can be regarded as an official city, I think he should be afraid of it." The city lord comforted.

"I hope nothing happens." Dongfang Zhi said silently.

At this moment, a powerful breath suddenly spread from the city lord's mansion, and the face of the city lord and Dongfangzhi changed drastically.

"This breath is so strong." Dongfangzhi said in shock.

"This is a Tier 4 powerhouse, and stronger than me. Could it be that Wu Feishuo sent someone here?"

Thinking of this, the city lord's face was already very dignified, and then looked at Dongfangzhi solemnly and said: "You hide first, no matter what happens, don't come out, everything is with father!"

After the words fell, the city lord had already rushed out of the room and came to the city lord mansion compound. At this time, in the compound, Xiao Chen stood calmly, and the city lord mansion guards and various guest officials surrounded Xiao Chen with fear in his eyes.

When the city lord saw that Xiao Chen was so young, he was taken aback for a moment, then stepped forward and said, "I am the city lord of Jinling, I wonder if you are?"

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