Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3012: A blessing in disguise!

Xiao Chen smiled: "Deal."

Xiao Chen was confident that in a hundred years, he would be able to defeat Silver Fox without these false powers.

"This is the magic weapon of my life. If you encounter danger, crush it, I will appear." Silver Fox said, and then threw a piece of jade pendant, the jade pendant exudes the aura of silver fox.

"Thank you!" Xiao Chen took the jade pendant and arched his hands.

The silver fox did not speak, his gaze fell below, the next moment, he immediately concealed his figure. When he reappeared, he had already appeared in the Seventy-two Earth Devil, and had recovered his body. The nine tails were like nine sharp weapons in Zhaoxuan When they didn't respond, it gave them a chill.

Seventy-two Earthshakers, including the former Earthshaker King, a total of six Tier 6 powerhouses and three half-step infant changers, were killed by Silver Fox without any resistance.

Silver Fox suddenly attacked the killer, making everyone terrified, and his face was full of horror.

"This guy is really crazy." Xiao Chen slapped his tongue a little. Who would have thought that the Shao King, who dominates the Witch Wilderness, would be killed because of a conflict with the old Shao's name.

"You can solve the rest by yourself, but I don't want to hear the words Disha." Yinhu glanced at Xiao Chen, then took the man in black and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"How fanatical this guy is for the earth." Xiao Chen sighed, and at this moment, he felt the power in his body flow like a dam flood discharge, accompanied by physical pain and soul pain. Xiao Chen couldn't hold on anymore, and fell directly into the air. Before he fell into a coma, he only saw Ke'er and Shangguan Ying'er hurriedly catch him.


It has been a month since Xiao Chen woke up again.

"Msang Gong, you are awake."

As soon as Xiao Chen opened his eyes, the voices of Ke'er and Shangguan Ying'er had already come.

"The body hurts!" At this time, Xiao Chen felt that his whole body fell apart. He could feel the Nine Turns Shenhuang Jue was repairing his injury, but it was still painful.

"The Xianggong is too strong. With the fourth-order cultivation base, it is impossible for ordinary people to do it." Ke'er said softly, with a tired look on her face. For this month, she has been using the Holy Light. Restored Xiao Chen.

"As long as it can protect you, all costs are worth it," Xiao Chen said, his voice full of determination.

Ke'er and Shangguan Ying'er looked at each other and leaned gently in Xiao Chen's arms.


After the silver fox left that day, Xiao Yan and the Demon Emperor took Yi Jian Biao Xue and Qin Sheng and others, with iron and blood wrists, to control the entire Wu Huang in their hands.

The two were once leaders of the same realm. They were familiar with these matters, and if it hadn't been for Xiao Chen, no one would have survived. Therefore, many forces chose to surrender without any resistance.

Xiao Chen didn't participate in these things. After persuading Ke'er and Shangguan Ying'er to go to rest, the elf contacted him.

"It looks like you got a blessing in disguise this time."

"Well, I didn't expect that this period of coma could trigger a reincarnation experience, and it was also the experience of a seventh-order powerhouse. Not only did he gain a lot of martial arts insights, but also obtained a kind of ancient secret skill, and that guy's Dongfu, I just don't know if his Dongfu has been discovered."

Xiao Chen said that in this month, he was not in a pure coma, but had experienced another reincarnation experience. This reincarnation experience was completely different from that of Li Zichen, but had experienced the life of the seventh-order powerhouse. From birth to death.

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