Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3015: Threat!

Northern Wilderness, Jianyou City, Beiyan Family.

A loud shout suddenly sounded in the Beiyan family, Bei Yanyun's expression changed drastically, and he lost his voice: "It's Tai Ape, that old guy has gone out of the gate, and his aura is better than before. Has it broken through Tier 4?"

Not only was Bei Yanyun's face changed drastically, but the faces of all the forces in Jianyou City were unsightly, including the city lord of Jianyou City, because the city lord was the only Tier 4 powerhouse, and with the breakthrough of Tai Yuan, he was not the only one now.

"Let's go out and see." Xiao Chen said.

Bei Yanyun was startled, and then he remembered that the senior in front of him was also a Tier 4 powerhouse, and he was not afraid of Tai Ape at all, but there were decent forces behind the Tai family. I wonder if this senior can resist.

Bei Yanyun's eyes flickered, but he didn't tell the forces behind the Tai family. Anyway, the people were not offended by the Bei Yan family. If it is a crime, it has nothing to do with them.

When Xiao Chen and the others came to the yard, they saw a big man who looked like an elementary beast standing in the yard, with Tai Qiang and Tai Xiong on both sides, and all the powerful Tai family behind them, all fierce and evil.

"Father, he cut off our arms." When he saw Xiao Chen, Tai Qiang immediately pointed at Xiao Chen and said angrily, his eyes full of resentment.

"You don't want your other hand anymore?" Xiao Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, Tai Qiang withdrew his hand instantly, his face flashed with horror.

Tai Yuan's complexion sank, and he said coldly: "What an arrogant boy, seeing me coming, dare to threaten my son, I will crush it myself..."

Before Tai Yuan's words were finished, Xiao Chen flicked his fingers, and a Gu Pill was directly shot into Tai Yuan's mouth. Xiao Chen contacted Da Bai. Suddenly, a pain came, and Tai Yuan's face became very stubborn. ,

"Ah! What did you eat for me!" Tai Yuan cried out in pain.

"Gu Pill, your life is now in my hands. Starting today, you will stay and serve the Beiyan family. If you don't agree, you will be bitten by Gu worms for seven days and seven nights and die."

Xiao Chen said lightly.

"What, Gu worm!" A trace of horror appeared in Tai Yuan's ferocious expression. He had seen the scene where life is worse than death by Gu worm.

Xiao Chen's thoughts moved, and the pain on Tai Yuan's body had disappeared. Xiao Chen looked at Tai Yuan who was full of cold sweat and said, "How about it, disagree?"

"I agree." Tai Yuan said decisively.

"Your task is to protect the Beiyan family from being bullied. You don't need to obey the Beiyan family's orders, but if something happens to the Beiyan family, I will hold you accountable first." Xiao Chen said lightly.

Hearing that, there was a glimmer of light in Tai Yuan's eyes. Protecting the Beiyan family and serving the Beiyan family are completely two concepts. Because of their service, they are likely to become slaves.

"I know."

"Tier 4 and 5 powerhouses are like ants in my eyes. If you want to survive, you should do what you need to do. In a world where the weak and the strong eat, they rely on their own strength."

Xiao Chen said lightly, and glanced at Bei Yanyun as he spoke. At the same time, a powerful coercion swept out. Whether it was Taiyuan and others, or those who came to watch the excitement, they were all under this coercion. When he got down, his face was full of shock.

"It's almost time to do it, and then it's time to go to the cave house of Sword Master Beiyan." Xiao Chen took Ke'er, Shangguan Ying'er, and Bei Yanfang and left the Beiyan family directly.

A few days later.

In the Northern Wilderness, the Northern Wilderness City where the headquarters of the Northern Wilderness Alliance is located, Xiao Chen's four people appeared in the elegant room of a restaurant, Xiao Chen looked helpless.

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