Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3019: The unexpected person!

Beiyan Jianjun Dongfu.

Xiao Chen looked at Gu Ruxue with a faint smile: "I know a lot, such as who the two of you are, and for example, what kind of dirty things you two have done. It's a pity, Gu Ruxue, you are too impatient. Some, otherwise what you want is already yours."

"Do you know what I want?" Gu Ruxue's face was gloomy.

"Of course, you know, Po Jing Dan, you have stayed at the peak of Infant Transformation for more than 20,000 years, you have not broken through the God of Transformation, your talent is so poor that it is not even comparable to the war slave next to you. , Beiyantang!"

Xiao Chen glanced at the middle-aged man and said lightly.

When Xiao Chen's voice fell, Bei Yantang's expression instantly became extremely hideous, a chill and killing intent emerged from his body, and at the same time, a powerful coercion pressed against Xiao Chen.

His status as a war slave was the pain of his life. Even if he broke through to the seventh step, he couldn't get rid of it. However, except for Gu Ruxue, everyone who knew his status was almost dead. How did the kid in front of him know.


Just after Bei Yantang released the coercion, Yin Fox directly blocked Xiao Chen, and the coercion of the Transcendent God Realm also rushed out. The two coercion instantly collided. Under this coercion, whether it was Xiao Chen was still the old man, and he kept backing down.

The old man's face was shocked. He was the leader of the Northern Wilderness Alliance, Jian Wuxie, a six-fold powerhouse, but he couldn't maintain his standing under the pressure of the Transcendent God Realm.

"Is this the coercion of the Transcendent God Realm, so strong!"

Xiao Chen's eyes condensed slightly, if it weren't for the silver fox to block the coercion, I am afraid he and Bei Yanfang would be directly crushed by the coercion.

"Your breath is not stable yet. Obviously you have just broken through the God Transformation Realm. Could it be..."

Bei Yantang thought of something, and his face instantly became very ugly. Gu Ruxue was similar, and shouted unwillingly, "You took Pojing Pill?"

"Hahaha, Gu Ruxue, can't you think of it, Sword Master Beiyan made a lot of preparations to help you break through, but even to **** Po Jing Pill, he was seriously injured. He was already ready to help you break through. Transforming the gods, but how can he think that when he is seriously injured, the woman he loves most will unite with his most important son to kill him."

Xiao Chen laughed loudly, full of sarcasm in his laughter.

The place that looked like a fairyland on earth, and the three brocade boxes, were all prepared by Sword Master Beiyan for Gu Ruxue, but he could not expect that Gu Ruxue would unite with Beiyantang. When he was seriously injured, suddenly Kill him.

"Who are you, and how do you know these things?" Gu Ruxue shouted. Apart from him and Bei Yantang knowing about these things, there would not be a third person. They had even forgotten this matter.

"Hahaha, Gu Ruxue, back then, your life was saved by the sword lord of the North Goose, and he loved you even more. There is also the North Goose Hall. Although you are a war slave, the sword lord of the North Goose took you When your son is cultivated, you can have everything you have now because of the merits of Sword Master Beiyan, and the two of you are his relatives. Wouldn't you feel heartache if you framed him together?"

Xiao Chen laughed loudly.

"What do you know!" Gu Ruxue shouted.

"I really don't understand, and I don't need to understand, but Gu Ruxue, if I didn't guess wrong, it was your method that the Beiyan family fell, although I don't know how much you hate Beiyan Jianjun. , But you can even kill your own heirs. As expected, the means are ruthless."

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