Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3024: The shock of the old man!

The old man's eyes flashed brightly. After he stayed in Sigupo for so long, no one found that he was a rank six powerhouse, how did this kid see it in front of him.

"Since the predecessors are willing to hang around here, they definitely don't want to cause unnecessary trouble for themselves, because if you get in with us, your good days are gone." Xiao Chen said lightly, his eyes were like an abyss, and the old man couldn't help it. Frightened.

"Interesting, then I wish you good luck." The old man faintly said, and then he squatted and gradually left, and just after the old man left, a sound of breaking through the air hit, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of figures had already fallen. After coming down, headed by a young man with five layers of Yinying.

"Boy, you killed our iron head gang!" The Yin Yi youth stared at Xiao Chen and said coldly.

"The unicorn kills the world!" Ling Tian in Xiao Chen's hand exuded a flame, and then Xiao Chen cut out with a sword, and a flame sword light covered the entire street, and he cut out to the iron head gang. , There was nothing left in the entire street, and the iron head gang disappeared without a trace, leaving only a trace of flame.

Knowing that the iron head gang will not let go, the strong men who had stayed away early saw this scene with a look of shock.

In the distance, somewhere on the top of a restaurant, a hip flask appeared in the old man's hand. Looking at Xiao Chen, his eyes flickered slightly: "When did Bahuang appear such a genius, the power of the sword just now is no longer It was a blow from a six-tier master of Yuanying, but this trick seems a bit familiar, it always seems to be seen somewhere."

"Let's go." Xiao Chen seemed to have done a trivial thing. He took Ke'er and Shangguanying to move on, but after a dozen steps, the sound of breaking through the air was heard all around, and then there were hundreds of figures. He rushed out of the direction, and surrounded Xiao Chen and the others in the blink of an eye!

When I saw these people, the powerful people hiding in the distance were all shocked. They had already recognized the powerful people of several forces, but one thing is certain is that these forces are all from the Blood Sea Hall. Minions.

"There are so many minions in the Blood Sea Hall. There are nearly six Nascent Souls and six-fold powerhouses. There are nearly 50 other Nascent Souls powerhouses together. What do you want to do, boy?"

The old man smiled, but at this moment, his gaze condensed, looking at the ten-color aperture appearing under Xiao Chen, there was a bad premonition.

"Ten directions of purgatory, fall!"

The ten directions of purgatory in Xiao Chen's hand fell. At the same time, Ling Tian also appeared at the feet of the three of them. With a sword of the universe, Xiao Chen and their figures broke through the air and left, leaving only a ten-color halo that was expanding.

"No!" The old man felt the power ready to explode in the ten-color aperture, his face changed, and he hurriedly backed away, and the powerhouses who had just surrounded him also felt that something was wrong, their complexion changed wildly, and he wanted to leave.

But it was too late.

As if an atomic bomb fell, a huge explosion came, centered on the ten-color aperture, and exploded. No matter people or objects around it, under countless horrified eyes, it was swallowed by the explosion!

After everything was over, the old man appeared in the distance, and the entire street was almost blown up, leaving only a huge pit. The old man swallowed while looking at the scene in front of him.

"Is this really caused by a strong Yuan Ying? How does it feel like it was caused by a strong infant."

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