Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3026: On the thief ship!

Huo Yun quickly came to the front, and took a closer look. It was not a fire cloud at all, but a group of people wearing black armor and red capes, majestic and overbearing.

"This is the person from the Vermillion Bird Hall, one of the five halls of the Xuehaitang. It's over. There are three Tier 6 powerhouses, and there are five half-step infant changers. I really shouldn't have a convulsion for a while and cooperate with you." His face collapsed in an instant. Although Xiao Chen had good talent and strength, he was only Yuan Ying First Heavy, how could he be the opponent of the sixth-order powerhouse.

"What are you afraid of, it's just three sixth-order powerhouses. I didn't think I was so panicked when I was chased by the seventh-order powerhouses. Can you learn from me?" Xiao Chen cast a blank look at Old Dao.

"What the **** is being chased by a seventh-order powerhouse?" Lao Dao was stunned.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I'm being chased by the seventh-tier powerhouse of the Blood Sea Hall." Xiao Chen said lightly.

Lao Dao looked at Xiao Chen, and wanted to be violent in his heart. Although his road to revenge was difficult, it was not too difficult to face a Tier 7 powerhouse. He knew that he had set foot on the thief ship, and there was still no return.

And just as they were talking, the people in the Vermillion Bird Hall had fallen and surrounded them. The leader was a five-fold girl, followed by two three-fold babies, staring coldly at Xiao Chen.

"You are so courageous, you dare to bloodbath my Blood Sea Hall's forces, no matter what your status is, you can't escape today!" The woman yelled coldly, waving her big hand, and she wanted to do it without any hesitation.

"The seventh-tier powerhouse can't kill, can't you still kill it? Since you appear in front of us, then charge some interest!" Xiao Chen said coldly, the voice fell, Ke'er and Shangguanying took a step, and changed their realm aura. , Broke out.

"I'll go!" Lao Dao exploded again. He had long discovered that the three of them were mainly Xiao Chen. Although he could not see through the cultivation of the two daughters, he didn't think much about it. He didn't even think that the two daughters were also infantile changes. Strong, and even higher than his cultivation base, no wonder Xiao Chen didn't take him seriously.

"Terracotta Warriors and Horses, come out!" Shangguanying yelled coldly, her hand pressed to the ground, and the mountain shook suddenly, and then one by one puppets that looked like terracotta warriors appeared, each holding a spear, exuding a not weak breath.

"Holy light assist, drop!" Ke'er also yelled softly, and then a holy light fell on Xiao Chen and the others, and even those terracotta warriors and horses also showed holy light, and everyone's aura suddenly rose.

"What is this method?" The old Dao's face showed a shocked look, and the powerhouses of Suzaku Hall also changed their colors.

"Old Dao, two infants have become triple, and one solution should be no problem." Xiao Chen looked at Old Dao.

"No problem." Old Dao reacted from the shock and felt the strength on his body. A long knife appeared in his hand. It was extraordinary at first sight, and a domineering knife intent emerged from him.

Shangguanying's gaze had fallen on the headed woman, and Kerr's gaze had also fallen on an infant-transformed triple powerhouse.

"Do it, kill, don't keep one!"

Xiao Chen shouted coldly, and the three of Shangguanying acted instantly, and they had already caught each other and killed each other, and the terracotta warriors and horses also attacked other people. Although these terracotta warriors were not very powerful, their defenses were extremely strong, and the number was very large. The strong are all entangled.

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