Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3029: Great burial in the desert!

Shangguanying's expression remained unchanged, she faintly clenched her fist, layers of soil attached to her arm, forming a huge fist, and slammed at the Suzaku. With just one punch, the Suzaku was smashed and the flames scattered.

However, the woman's figure was gone before her. Shangguanying's expression suddenly changed. Then she discovered that the woman had gone towards Xiao Chen. It was only a breath of time. The woman had appeared beside Xiao Chen with a string of fire, directly binding Xiao Chen. Live, pull by your side.

"Stop it all, or I will kill him!" The woman shouted, and squeezed Xiao Chen's head with one hand.

"Sang Gong!" Shangguanying and Kerr's expressions changed drastically.

"As a Tier 6 powerhouse, you even hijack a Tier 5 powerhouse, don't you think it's a bit tricky!" Shangguan Ying shouted coldly.

"Less long-winded, it seems that this man is very important to you, you can catch it with your hands, otherwise I will kill him now!" the woman said coldly.

"Use me as a threat, you made a wrong calculation." At this moment, Xiao Chen said lightly, his face surprisingly calm.

"I have seen your battle. Although you can ignore the constraints of space, as long as you dare to move, the flame on your body will burn you to ashes. I advise you to be honest." The woman said coldly, Xiao The fire rope on Chen's body was formed by her secret technique, and she had a strong sense of Yuan Li. As long as Xiao Chen moved, it would burn him to ashes.

"You and I are not fools. If my people are caught with their hands, we will all die. I don't think it is a loss to be buried with a sixth-level powerhouse!"

Xiao Chen said lightly, then his eyes flashed coldly and sharply: "Do it, kill all!"

"Great burial in the desert!" Shangguan Ying'er yelled coldly, and the whole surrounding land was shaking. Then, no matter the ground or the terracotta warriors and horses turned into sand in an instant, then it was like making dumplings, covering everyone including Xiao Chen and the woman. Once inside, the whole surrounding area has become a desert world.

"Judgement of the Holy Light!" Kerr's face was cold, and the only thing that could cause her expression to change was Xiao Chen. She absolutely forbid anyone to hurt Xiao Chen. As her voice fell, the Holy Light fell into the sand. Suddenly there was a scream in the sand, and blood stains appeared on the sand.

The sand was shrunk and squeezed continuously, and soon it had become blood sand. Looking at this scene, Old Dao and his opponent looked at this scene, and there was a panic in their eyes, because they found that no one could rush out of the sand.

Soon, all the sand fell and returned to calm, and no breath was felt in the sand.

After a long time, Lao Dao swallowed, and then looked at Ke'er and Shang Guanying, with fright flashing in his eyes. One infant became six-fold, one infant became three-fold, and several half-step infants. Change, are all dead like this?

"Um, two seniors, are Xiao Chen little brothers...?" Lao Dao couldn't help but said. He wanted to say whether Xiao Chen was dead, but looked at the indifferent gazes from Shangguanying and Kerr. He swallowed the words instantly.

"Holy Light Judgment!" Ke'er looked at the only remaining strongman in Vermilion Hall, a holy light fell out of thin air, and instantly enveloped the strongman, and then directly turned into nothingness in the horrified eyes of the strongman. Disappear.

"I'm a good boy, who are these two women? It's terrifying." Old Dao couldn't help being shocked.

And just after everything was over, a figure suddenly jumped out of the space, it was Xiao Chen!

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