Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3037: One for each!

Li Tong laughed, his face full of disdain, don't say Dongfangguang is just the son of a prince, even the prince, he doesn't take it seriously.

"Li Tong, don't deceive others too much." Dongfang Guang said solemnly.

"I just bullied you, what can you do to me?" Li Tong looked at Dongfang Guang contemptuously.

Hearing this, Dongfang Guang's face turned red and blue, obviously not light.

Xiao Chen looked at Li Tong and Dongfang Guanggou biting the dog with a cold expression on his face, and there were always some guys who didn't know the heights and heights, hit his wife's attention.

"Get out of the way!" Xiao Chen said indifferently.

Dongfangguang looked at Xiao Chen, and Li Tong didn't give him face. What kind of kid was in front of him.

"The male is killed, the female is captured alive!" Dongfang Guang said coldly, taking down these people in front of him first, and as for Li Tong, he will discuss it later.

"I'll come alone." Xiao Chen said coldly.

"Summon black-faced Yama, fusion of ghosts, Yama realm!"

Xiao Chen said coldly in his heart, black face Yan Luo suddenly appeared beside him, and then directly blended into him, and at the same time, a ghost mist enveloped hundreds of miles in a radius. In the ghost mist, Xiao Chen's ghost aura entangled like a ghost. .

A little bit from Xiao Chen's feet, shuttled through the ghost fog, and suddenly a miserable cry came from the ghost fog.

The ghost mist was completely dark, and even the divine consciousness was greatly reduced. Of course, all of this had no effect on Xiao Chen.

Dongfangguang's expression changed. The four rank six powerhouses standing behind him, at the same time, shot, a wave of Yuanli wave blows away the ghost fog around, and the neighborhood is restored to its original state again, and what is shocking is that, More than a dozen guards in Prince Rong's Mansion had died, and in Xiao Chen's hands, he was still holding a guard full of blood.


Dongfangguang and the four Tier 6 powerhouses all had their faces sinking. They were naturally not weak to become the guards of Prince Rong’s Mansion. There were also many Tier 5 powerhouses, but in the blink of an eye, they were already dead. Well, this is also a lot of loss for Prince Rong's Mansion.

"No matter whether you are Prince Rong's Mansion or the Li Family, don't mess with me, you can't bear the consequences." Xiao Chen threw the guard in his hand casually and grinned, his eyes full of cruelty, in line with the ghostly spirit on his body. The current Xiao Chen is like a ghost crawling out of the Netherworld, making people fearful.

"What an arrogant boy, dare to say such a thing in Jinling City!"

"No matter what, this kid is over."

"You four go together!" Dongfang Guang said in a deep voice. The four Tier 6 powerhouses behind him suddenly took a step. The breath of the Infant Transformation realm burst out. The terrifying breath caused the powerhouses on both sides of the street to continue Go back.

"One person, one quick decision!" Xiao Chen said solemnly.

"What, one for each, Young Master Three, the other is a Tier 6 powerhouse!" Old Dao was taken aback, and then said anxiously.

"Worry about yourself first. If you have realized that you are disheartened, if you can't kill your opponent, you will automatically abdicate, so as not to humiliate your reputation as a mad knife."

Xiao Chen glanced at Old Dao and said lightly.

The old knife was taken aback.


A little bit below Xiao Chen's feet, the three of them had already rushed up, and Lao Dao gritted his teeth and followed closely behind.


The four Tier 6 powerhouses also rushed towards Xiao Chen and the others, and Xiao Chen's opponent was the old man who had followed Dongfang Guang before, Yingchang Quad.

"Hmph, a Tier 5 ant dare to be one-on-one. Today, the old man will teach you how to be a man!"

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