Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3050: Incredible!

"So that's the case, then I'm relieved." Wu Fei nodded coldly. Although he was surprised that there was a rank 7 powerhouse behind Xiao Chen, he believed more in the power of Xuehaitang.

"We can cooperate with you, but before cooperation, should you report your name first?" At this moment, Venerable Qilin said.

"My name is Xiao Chen." Xiao Chen said.

"Xiao Chen, by the way, do you feel that we are a little familiar?" Venerable Qilin shot a light in his eyes and said.

Xiao Chen looked at Venerable Qilin, frowned slightly, and said, "There is indeed a sense of familiarity that is unclear."

"Do you want to know what that sense of familiarity is?" Venerable Qilin asked.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen was slightly confused, but nodded.

"In terms of blood, you are my father, because I was born through your blood."

Venerable Qilin said lightly, and his words almost made Xiao Chen spoil his food, he didn't remember having such an old son.

Don't talk about Xiao Chen, the other people are almost all expressions, obviously some do not understand what Qilin Venerable means.

"By the way, let me introduce, this guy is Wu Feileng, his ancestor is Wu Feishuo, and Wu Feileng's wife Hu Yunniang, and Hu Yunniang's ancestor is Hu Xiong of Yu Beast Villa." Venerable Qilin continued.

"Wu Feishuo, Hu Xiong, seem a bit familiar." Xiao Chen muttered.

"By the way, let me introduce again. The Queen of Jinling is also my wife, named Dongfangzhi. Although she gave birth to a bunch of babies, it is a pity that the blood of the unicorn is too thin, and no one can take on the important task." Venerable Qilin pointed out. To the Jinling Empress Road.

"Dongfangzhi, Qilin's blood." Xiao Chen muttered, and then an incredible expression flashed across his face.

"In addition, there is this one, the ancestor of the Li family, whose real name is Li Zhu, but we usually like to call it Xiaozhu." Venerable Qilin pointed to the ancestor of the Li family and continued.

"Xiao Zhu!" Xiao Chen lost his voice: "How is it possible!"

"I also want to say how it's possible, I'm so old, why are you so young, and her." Venerable Qilin said, and looked down, and what he was looking at was Ke'er.

"Could it be like this..." Xiao Chen suddenly rang something, his face showed a stunned look, but it was more incredible.

"I didn't expect to meet you. I can't wait to talk to you, but before that, let's solve the enemy first."

Xiao Chen said, the voice fell, and he looked at Wu Feiling and the others.

"What dumb riddle are you playing?" The empress looked at Venerable Qilin suspiciously.

"You'll know in a while, your situation is not suitable for action now, just leave it to us." Venerable Qilin said, and then came to Xiao Chen's side.

"It's been a long time since I fought with you." Venerable Qilin said lightly.

"It's a pity that not only my cultivation base is low, but I'm also seriously injured. I can't fight alongside you, but I can find someone to fight alongside you."

Xiao Chen said, and then directly smashed the jade pendant in his hand. After a period of spatial fluctuation, the silver fox had appeared next to Xiao Chen, glanced around, his eyes fell on Bei Yan Tang with a cold color.

"With the two of us, we can't deal with the three of them. Do you have any other cards. Let us show them together, otherwise we will all die today."

Venerable Qilin glanced at the silver fox, then said solemnly.

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