Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3054: Duanmu Qinghan's gift!

"This..." Venerable Qilin and Dongfangzhi looked at each other. For some reason, when Xiao Chen said this, there was a kind of inexplicable persuasiveness, not only for the two of them, even Lao Dao and Silver Fox.

"By the way, after talking for a long time, I haven't introduced you to other people yet." Xiao Chen said, and then pointed to the old knife silver fox and said: "This is the current head of the lost swordsman, and this silver fox. Command the Silver Fox."

Venerable Qilin and Dongfang Zhi nodded motionlessly.

"As for these two Kerr and Shangguanying, they are both my wives." Xiao Chen continued to introduce.

"Hello." Dongfangzhi greeted Venerable Qilin.

"And this one, I would like to give a grand introduction. The goddess of war, whose real name is Duanmu Qinghan, is also my wife." Xiao Chen pointed to the goddess of war beside him, and introduced grandly.

"What, wife... son!"

Dongfangzhi, Qilin Venerable, Silver Fox, and Lao Dao's eyes widened in an instant, and his eyes were full of incredible colors. How could this be possible? One is a well-known rank 7 powerhouse and the other is an unknown rank 5 Ants, how could the two be husbands and wives?

But looking at Xiao Chen's expression and Duanmu Qinghan's attitude, they had to tell themselves that all this was true.

"Who did I bump into porcelain?" Old Dao smiled bitterly.

Venerable Qilin and Dongfangzhi looked at each other. They were not Xiao Chen's opponents at the beginning. Now that after so many years, even though Xiao Chen is only Tier 5, a goddess of war, they can't breathe.

After they digested the information they got, they arranged for Xiao Chen and others to live in the palace. After Xiao Chen and Duanmu Qinghan stayed warm for a while, Duanmu Qinghan put out a lot of resources, and this resource was even better than many. The combined worth of a seventh-order powerhouse is even more.

Xiao Chen was short of resources, so he would not be polite, and Venerable Qilin also took out the resources accumulated by the Jinling Empire over the years.

In addition, Xiao Chen had no feelings for the Li family, and Xiao Chen didn’t like the Li family’s behavior, so he asked Venerable Qilin to walk around the Li family and grab all the resources he had accumulated for many years. .

After Xiao Chen took the resources enough to build several seventh-order powerhouses, after renting the Intermediate Illusory Void Realm, he began a ten-day retreat.

The strength of the middle-level illusion secret realm is five times that of the low-level, and one day outside the middle-level illusion secret realm corresponds to five years.

The realm of illusion.

With the improvement of Xiao Chen's cultivation level, he can finally start the samsara experience on his own. In addition, Xiao Chen can use the strength of the soul to choose the strength of the experience of samsara.

Not only that, Xiao Chen also found something exciting for him. After he runs the Nine Turns of the Divine Desolation Jue, the Nine Turns of the Divine Desolation Jue can operate on its own, absorbing the vital energy, and he can control the power of the soul to experience the reincarnation experience. , It can be said that the cultivation base and the strength of the soul are improved together, and both are correct.

Xiao Chen didn't hesitate too much, and chose a reincarnation memory that was stronger than Beiyan Jianjun, and then began to experience reincarnation.

Ten days later, Xiao Chen broke through the barrier, and an earth-shattering aura spewed out, which instantly alarmed many people in the palace, Dongfangzhi, Venerable Qilin, and Ke'er, and they instantly appeared in Xiao Chen's retreat.

After seeing Xiao Chen's cultivation base, everyone's eyes widened, and their eyes were full of incredible colors, including several seventh-order experts.

"Are you also some kind of powerful primordial beast, directly gaining inheritance?" Venerable Qilin said silently.

And his words instantly caused Xiao Chen's eyes to roll.

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