Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3064: Just arrogant!

Yin Zhenghua glanced at the crowd in the restaurant who was fighting for him, and his eyes flashed cold. If these people knew that they were scolded by Yi Zhenghua as idiots, they would not know what they thought.


It’s just that Yin Zhenghua’s thoughts just arose. He slapped his face again. I don’t know when Xiao Chen had already stood by him. He looked at the people in the restaurant and said loudly: "This young master is just hitting him. How can it be?"


"The young master slapped his backhand again. You are here to kill the young master!"

Yin Zhenghua was so scared that he retired directly to the stairs, bastard, how could the kid in front of him play cards completely unreasonably, causing him to slap twice.

"Too arrogant!"

Xiao Chen suddenly aroused public outrage.


"This young master is arrogant, come and bite me if you refuse to accept you!" Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and slapped the air in front of his eyes, but this slap landed firmly on Yin Zhenghua's face.

"What the **** is going on, I didn't see any movement from him at all, how did he hit me." Yin Zhenghua was aggrieved and shocked.


It's just that he hasn't reacted yet and slaps again.

"Why did you hit me again?" Yin Zhenghua asked angrily, covering his face with both hands.

"Don't you understand the principle of double good?" Xiao Chen said with disdain.

"You...!" Yin Zhenghua was angry, what a good thing.

"This young master is arrogant and mad, are you still unconvinced?" Xiao Chen glanced across the restaurant, and lightly raised his right hand.

Yin Zhenghua's face changed, and a nervous expression flashed in his eyes. He was afraid that Xiao Chen was slapped and the others in the restaurant also shut up and said nothing.

"Is that right? Just listen to this young master obediently." Xiao Chen said arrogantly, then his eyes fell on Yin Zhenghua, "You ran into this young master, how do you plan to compensate?"

"Your Excellency, what do you want?" Yin Zhenghua said solemnly, if he hadn't figured out Xiao Chen's details and strength, he would have summoned the strong in the clan.

"This young master travels all over the world, with the purpose of looking for all kinds of peerless beauties. Do you understand what this young master means?" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Understand, there are many peerless beauties in my Yin family. If you don't dislike it, I can take you to see." Yin Zhenghua said, his eyes flashed ruthlessly, he would not believe it, when he arrived at Yin's house, Xiao Chen still dare So arrogant.

"Then what are you waiting for? Just walk." Xiao Chen said, with a look of excitement flashing in his eyes, turning a blind eye to the cruel look in Yin Zhenghua's eyes.


Yin Zhenghua brought Xiao Chen and the others to the Yin's meeting room, so he asked someone to make arrangements.

Soon, a middle-aged man walked in with ten beauties of various colors.

After seeing the middle-aged man, Yin Zhenghua's eyes flashed with joy, and he introduced to Xiao Chen: "Your Excellency, this is my father, and also Yin Fengsheng, the head of the Yin family!"

"In the next level, Yin Fengsheng, the head of the Yin family, I don't know how to call your Excellency?" Yin Fengsheng handed his hand. He had already learned from the lower population what happened to Yin Zhenghua in the restaurant.

Xiao Chen didn't pay attention to Yin Fengsheng at all, but stared at ten beautiful women with bright eyes, but the next moment, Xiao Chen's face became cold, and when he turned his head, he slapped Yin Zhenghua out with a slap on his backhand.

"Asshole, this young master wants clean women, what do you mean by bringing them here? Do you insult this young master?"

Xiao Chen suddenly shot, Yin Zhenghua and Yin Fengsheng did not expect that Yin Zhenghua slapped again.

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