Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3073: Luxurious lineup!

"We will avenge you." Xiao Chen said seriously.

"Your woman is being bullied. If you don't take revenge, I will beat you so that Sister Yunmeng can't recognize you." Xia Ruoxi gave Xiao Chen a fierce look.

"Since you want revenge, let's start with the Yin family. The new hatred and the old hatred are counted together. Adding to the Yin family's many evils, there should be such a catastrophe." Xiao Chen said, Ke'er's entrustment, grab Xia Ruoxi's hatred, cold Bingheipao's grievances, as well as their systematic tasks, made Xiao Chen determined to get rid of the Yin family.

Xia Ruoxi and Duanmu Qinghan nodded.

"But speaking of it, the Yin family is really going further and further on the road to death. First, the evil spirits are sent, and then Ruoxi is sent, and the addition of Leng Jianyuan’s people will destroy the Yin family and become It's easier."

Xiao Chen smiled. He thought it would take some time to destroy the Yin family, but he didn't expect that the Yin family would send the earth evil, Xia Ruoxi and Leng Jianyuan to him, he didn't know what to say.

That night, Leng Jianyuan returned with five people, three of whom were the rebels of the peak, two guardians of the gods, three men and two women.

Leng Jianyuan did not reveal Xiao Chen's identity, but only ordered five people to help.

It seems that Leng Jianyuan's position in the Leng family is not bad, and there are two 7th-order Taoist powerhouses, but Xiao Chen did not say anything, just arranged for them to live.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Chen asked Duanmu Qinghan to go to the Jinling Empire again.

Five days later, in the courtyard of Xiao Chen, Dongfangzhi, Li Zhu, Venerable Qilin, Silver Fox, Lao Dao, and the four hidden Lins all appeared in the courtyard.

Xiao Chen looked at everyone and nodded in satisfaction.

Dongfangzhi, Venerable Qilin, and Li Zhu had no life-death, and the three of them had already broken through to the Triple Level of Transforming God.

The silver fox's aura is also more stable, the old sword has also been improved, and the four hidden Lins can break through the seventh rank at any time.

When Silver Fox saw Earth Sha, his eyes were incredulous and excited.

"It turns out that it's you little girl." Di Sha obviously recognized the silver fox, and showed a faint smile.

"Senior." Silver Fox murmured, mist flashing in his eyes.

Seeing this, Xiao Chen left enough space for the two to relive the past.

That night, Xiao Chen led everyone towards the Yin family, but Lao Dao, Leng Jianhua, and Leng Bing Hei Robe were too low in strength, and Xiao Chen stayed.

The lineup of Xiao Chen’s side is very luxurious. Seventh-tier powerhouses include Duanmu Qinghan, Xia Ruoxi, Disha, Qilin Venerable, Dongfangzhi, Li Zhu, Yinhu, and Leng Jianhua’s two guardians, a total of nine seven. Rank strong.

In addition, there are seven infantile peaks, and with Xiao Chen, the infantile peak, this lineup, even if all the seventh-tier powerhouses in the middle famine gather, I am afraid they will froze.

When Xiao Chen and others appeared in the Yin family, they instantly aroused the vigilance of the powerful Yin family, so the figures continued to flash out. Soon, a large number of figures appeared opposite Xiao Chen and the others, and the three of the Yin family were the leaders The seventh-order ancestor, followed by a large number of infant changers led by Yin Fengsheng.

They saw Xiao Chen standing in the front for the first time, but when their eyes fell on the strong man behind Xiao Chen, they suddenly showed a solemn look.

"I wonder if your Excellency brought so many powerful people to visit late at night, what's the point?" A four-fold powerhouse of God Transformation looked at Xiao Chen and said in a deep voice.

"There is nothing serious, just want to destroy the Yin family." Xiao Chen said lightly.

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