Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3083: Move mountains and seas!

Yin family!

Everyone's complexion changed drastically when they felt the vitality of the riot in Yin Wu.

"This guy is going to explode." Duanmu Qinghan's face sank.

"He is the fourth layer of God Transformation. The distance is so close. If he blew himself up, it would destroy the world and no one can escape." Xia Ruoxi's face sank.

"Senior Yin Wu, don't be impulsive!" The eight powerful forces shouted, they don't want to just die here.

"Hahaha, all go to death, I will use your blood to sacrifice to that adult." Yin Wu laughed, his face full of madness.

"I want to explode, have I asked this young master." At this moment, Xiao Chen's faint voice rang. I don't know when, he has appeared not far from Yin Wu.

"With the help of the universe, the mountains and the sea are moved!"

Xiao Chen yelled and shook his hands suddenly, and the space around Yin Wu began to twist. The next moment, Yi Wu's figure was directly sucked into the space, and then disappeared.

"Puff!" Xiao Chen spouted out a mouthful of blood, forcibly twisting the space around a seventh-order powerhouse, which is still too reluctant for him now.

"Little bastard, are you okay?"

"Miangong, how are you?"

Xia Ruoxi and Duanmu Qinghan hurriedly helped Xiao Chen and asked worriedly.

"Broken." Xiao Chen's expression changed.

"What happened?" Xia Ruoxi asked hurriedly.

"I was planning to move Yiwu into the void, but in the end I moved to the ground. I don't know if we will be implicated." Xiao Chen said, and just as his words fell, a rumbling sound came from the ground. , The entire Yi family resembled an earthquake. The broken Yi family instantly turned into dust. At the same time, a huge deep pit appeared in the original location of the Yi family.

Fortunately, the explosion did not reach Yu Bo, which made Xiao Chen breathe a sigh of relief.

"What's going on? Why is there an explosion from below Yi's house?"

"I felt the breath of the ancestor Yiwu from the giant pit!"

"This son, if you are not mistaken, what the son used just now should be the help of the universe, is it the son who transferred Iwu to the lower part?"

The swordsman in white folded his hands to Xiao Chen and asked, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Does the young man come from the West Sea?" The swordsman in white was startled, and almost guessed the identity of Xiao Chen.

Hearing the words of the swordsman in white, the other strong men of the Eight Great Forces suddenly showed horror on their faces, and various expressions such as fear, worry, and gratitude appeared on their faces.

Coming from the West Sea, they will use the force of the universe. Naturally, they have something to do with the strongest person in the West Sea, the Venerable Xihai, and they can't offend the Venerable Xihai at all, let alone them.

As for the expression of gratitude on their faces, it was because if Xiao Chen hadn't made the move just now, perhaps they had already died in Yiwu's self-destruction.

"The Yi family has been in the middle famine in recent years. In order to use Gu worms to control more powerhouses, they do not know how many forces have been eliminated. Moreover, in order to cultivate mandala flowers, the Yi family has used a large number of creatures as nourishment, which has caused anger and resentment. The young master was ordered by Master Xihai to investigate this matter and get rid of the Yi family."

Xiao Chen said solemnly, since he had already borrowed the name of Venerable Xihai, he should just borrow it to the end.

Hearing the words, Earth Shaman took a deep look at Xiao Chen. When Venerable Xihai taught Xiao Chen the universe, Xiao Chen was regarded as a half apprentice of Venerable Xihai, but he was certain that this matter had absolutely nothing to do with Venerable Xihai .

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