Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3089: Encountered embarrassment!

"Thank you, Master." Xiao Chen was not polite, and took the storage ring and arched his hands.

Venerable Xihai nodded, and then made Xiao Chen retreat, and she left directly with Earth Sha.

After Xiao Chen came out, he found Xia Ruoxi and Duanmu Qinghan. After talking about the whole story, Xia Ruoxi and Duanmu Qinghan left together. Dongfangzhi, Qilin Venerable, Li Zhu, and Yinhu chose to practice in the city of Begonia. .

After arranging things, Xiao Chen followed Xi Hai and Di Sha to retreat together.

Half a year later, in the city of Begonia, in a garden of the Xihai Palace, Xiao Chen breathed the fresh air and looked comfortable.

In less than half a month, Xiao Chen had mastered all the power of the universe and the gluttonous feast. In the following time, Xiao Chen rented the high-level illusion and illusion effects through the resources of Venerable Xihai. Twenty times that of the low-level fantasy secret realm.

However, Xiao Chen spent most of his time in the Realm of Illusion and Void researching the Eye of Reincarnation, and he didn't have much time for cultivation.

"Unexpectedly, it took so long to master the Eye of Reincarnation thoroughly, but now regardless of the power of the universe, the gluttonous feast, or the Eye of Reincarnation, I have already mastered it. A strong rank, it doesn't take much effort to kill."

Xiao Chen's face showed confidence.

Xiao Chen was taken aback for a moment and shouted in his heart to go. It was too embarrassing to encounter such a thing in broad daylight.

The men and women also saw Xiao Chen, and their eyes suddenly appeared astonished.

"It's better not to disturb others." Xiao Chen turned around and wanted to leave, but at this moment, the man and woman appeared directly in front of Xiao Chen, blocking Xiao Chen's path.

"Boy, did you see what happened just now?" the man asked with a gloomy expression.

"I didn't see anything, I just passed by." Xiao Chen waved his hand.

"He has already seen the faces of both of us. No matter how much he sees, he must not be allowed to leave. If you let others know, there will be no place for us to live." The woman said coldly, her eyes flashing violently. Killing intent.

"Don't worry, first, I don't know you at all, and second, my mouth is very strict, so you don't have to worry that I will talk about things here."

Xiao Chen smiled and said, "So if there is nothing to do, I will leave first."

With that said, Xiao Chen wanted to bypass the two of them and leave, but at this moment, a bitter chill came, and the woman had already taken a bold move, hitting Xiao Chen with one palm, spraying between the palms. Senran cold.

Only the next moment, Xiao Chen's figure appeared not far away, and looked at the woman lightly and said: "Kuang has a good skin, I didn't expect my heart to be so cruel. I don't care about what you do to me this time. Next time, don’t blame me for being rude."

After the words fell, Xiao Chen's figure drifted away, leaving only a pair of gloomy men and women.

Xiao Chen did not take this matter to heart, but left the palace and came to the city of Haitang.

In the city of Begonia, begonia flowers can be seen everywhere, because the Venerable Xihai likes begonia flowers, so he has the city of Begonia and the title of Granny Begonia.

The first thing Xiao Chen did when he came to Haitang City was to find the most famous restaurant in Haitang City, Zuixianlou, and his purpose was naturally to eat.

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