Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3091: Burn the drunk fairy building!

Haitang City, Zuixianlou.

"Zhan Li? Boy, strength is the truth in this world. Since you don't know the face, don't blame me." The manager's expression turned cold, his palms turned into claws, and he grabbed Xiao Chen directly from his throat, quickly and ruthlessly. hot.

It was only in the next moment that Xiao Chen took control afterwards. The manager had not yet understood what was going on. His throat had been pinched by Xiao Chen, and his whole body was instantly sealed and he could not move.

"It turns out that strength is the truth, I understand." Xiao Chen said lightly, his voice fell, and black flames suddenly burned on his body. In the next moment, these black flames had spewed out all around, and the entire room was instantly ignited. .

"I'm going!" Li Sheng and other sons, looked at the black flames coming, were startled, and instantly pulled away, while other diners in Zuixianlou looked at the suddenly burning Zuixianlou, showing a brief moment. After being confused, he hurried out.

On the street outside Zuixianlou, many passers-by had stopped at this time, looking at the burning Zuixianlou, they all showed surprise.

"What is going on, why did Zuixianlou suddenly catch fire?"

"What kind of fire is this black flame? Normal methods can't be extinguished at all."

"I don't know if it is artificial. If it is artificial, who is so bold. You must know that Zuixianlou is the Leng family's property."

"That kid was so courageous, he burned the Zuixianlou like this." The young man Li Sheng on the side of the building was surprised.

"The Drunken Immortal Building that burned cold nights in Haitang City, no matter who the kid is, he must be dead!" a young man said lightly.

"Hehe, I don't care about that kid's life or death. I only know that Leng Ye's Zuixianlou was burned. That guy attaches great importance to face. Now thinking about his expression, I am very happy." Li Sheng smiled. The other brothers looked at each other and smiled.

The Zuixian Tower was burned by the black flame, and it quickly turned into nothingness. As the black flame gradually weakened, two figures were revealed. It was Xiao Chen and the manager who still kept the state of Xiao Chen choking the manager's neck.

"You dare to burn the Zuixianlou, Lord Leng Ye will not let you go." The manager glanced around, then looked at Xiao Chen and said viciously.

"Do you know why you are still alive?" Xiao Chen said.

"If you kill me, you will never survive."

"You are wrong. The reason why I didn't kill you is because you haven't compensated for my loss. You said that I finally came here for a meal, but I was so humiliated. If you don't give me an explanation today, this Things are not over."

Xiao Chen shouted loudly, but what he said made the people nearby feel a little stunned and compensate for the loss? They all burned the Drunken Immortal Tower, and didn't rush to run, but still thinking of compensation for the loss, this guy's heart is too big.

"You burned my son's Drunken Immortal Tower, and you dare to ask for compensation. You are so brave." At this moment, a young man in a green robe and a group of people walked over.

"Young Master Leng Ye, save me." The manager hurriedly shouted with surprise in his eyes when he saw the incoming person.

"It's really a waste. My son gave you the Drunken Immortal Tower to take care of, but you managed to take care of it like this. You will be to blame for your death, but you are my son's person, and you have no turn to deal with it. "

Leng Ye looked at the manager indifferently, then his eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and he said lightly: "Let go of him, kowtow for mercy, this son can spare you a death!"

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