Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3093: Crazy move!

The dry palm seems light and weak, but under this palm, there is the power of space. Even if the infant becomes a nine-fold strong, he can't break free, and can only watch a palm fall.

Unfortunately, this palm is facing Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen looked at the purple-robed old man, his eyes flashed with disdain, the next moment, the person had disappeared, and when that palm fell, the manager and others were directly slapped into flesh with a palm.

At the same time, Xiao Chen suddenly appeared behind Mo Lao, and the majestic frustrated sword intent emerged. When everyone did not react, he used the sword as a knife and slashed on Mo Lao's back, Mo Lao was like a cannonball. Normally, smashed down from the void, and smashed a huge hole on the street.


A scene that happened suddenly changed everyone's color, and then they looked at Xiao Chen, who was standing in the sky holding a sword, and suddenly couldn't react.

Shouldn't he die in the hands of Old Mo? Why not only didn't he get hurt at all, but also beat Mo Lao down instead.


At this moment, Old Mo rose up into the sky, and a lot of dust appeared on the purple robe, and he looked embarrassed. The most important thing was that there was a huge wound on his back, dripping with blood.

"You hurt the old man?" Old Mo looked at Xiao Chen in disbelief.

"Tsk tsk, you used Po Jing Dan to break through the seventh level, right? After breaking through, you did not stabilize the realm properly, your breath is unstable, and bad reviews! Although you have broken through the seventh level, you have a rough grasp of the power of space and the power of time. Unbearable, bad review! The lion fights the rabbit with all your strength, but you are so arrogant, bad review! In summary, you are simply useless!"

Xiao Chen looked up and down at Old Mo, then said in an elder's tone, shook his head, his eyes full of disappointment.

The surrounding silence was terrifying, everyone was staring at Xiao Chen dumbfounded. A Tier 6 actually attacked a Tier 7 powerhouse in front of everyone. This was incredible.

And the person concerned, Old Mo's, majestic face, now became extremely hideous, and his body exuded a murderous intent, and this killing intent was not only because of Xiao Chen's attitude towards him, the most important thing was that what Xiao Chen said was true. of.

"Junior, you are looking for death!"

"Are you embarrassed and angry?" Xiao Chen smiled faintly: "But to be honest, you are the weakest seventh-order powerhouse I have ever seen. How about? Do you want to worship me as a teacher, and I will show you how to practice?"

"You are looking for death!" Mo Laohan said, using his palm as a knife, and suddenly slashed at Xiao Chen. A huge blade of light had already appeared above Xiao Chen's head, with a terrifying power, and it was cut down at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen looked at Dao Mang and faintly stretched out his right hand.

"What does he want to do?"

"Looking at its posture, it seems that you are going to catch the blade with your right hand?"

"I'll go, is he crazy? He wants to catch the attack of the seventh-order powerhouse with one hand. Isn't this looking for death?"

Seeing Xiao Chen's movements, everyone was in an uproar, and the faces of Old Mo and others showed mockery.

At the next moment, Xiao Chen's right hand was already in contact with the tip of the knife, and the fact that Xiao Chen was split in half did not appear. What shocked everyone was that Xiao Chen's right hand was like a black hole, wiping all the power on the blade , All inhaled into his right hand.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Chen looked at Old Mo, used his palm as a knife, and directly cut it down. Then, on top of Mo's head, a huge sword light appeared. Its appearance was exactly the same as the one cut by Mo Lao just now, but the power of the sword light, But it was much stronger than Mo Lao's knife.

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