Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3096: Preaching!

Bang bang bang!

After a burst of attacks, Xiao Chen appeared on the side and looked at the two and said lightly: "It seems that it is impossible to break the defense of the seventh-tier powerhouse with a pure attack, but I have enough to play today. That's it, no, I forgot about him."

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen disappeared again, and when he appeared again, he came directly to Old Mo.

Old Mo looked at Xiao Chen who suddenly appeared, he was startled, and instantly retreated two or three steps, and said anxiously, "What do you want to do?"

"Don't be so scared. This is Haitang City. For the sake of my master, I will not kill people casually. Of course, the premise is that you hand over your life money."

Xiao Chen smiled and said, looking harmless to humans and animals.

"Boy, don't go too far, I'm from the Leng family." Old Mo's expression sank.

"The Leng family, I know, one of the three major forces in Haitang City, is Master Leng Aotian the great disciple of Venerable Xihai, but what does this have to do with me? If you know that you offended me first, so you There are only two choices, whether you want money or your life. By the way, you may have a third choice, worship me as a teacher, and I will not blame you for what happened today. In addition, I can also teach you to cultivate."

Xiao Chen said calmly.

"Boy, the old man admits that your strength really surpasses the old man's knowledge, but do you have the qualifications for instructing a seventh-order powerhouse to practice?"

Just as Xiao Chen's voice fell, Old Xu had already arrived nearby and looked at Xiao Chen solemnly.

Not only that, but Old Ning also appeared on the side. If you look closely, Old Mo, Old Ning, and Old Xu formed a triangle, surrounding Xiao Chen.

"It turns out that it is you two. After the seventh level, every breakthrough in a small realm is as difficult as reaching the sky, because every breakthrough requires an understanding of the power of space and the power of time to break through one level, like this old Ning, I have stayed in Huashen First Heavy for nearly ten thousand years, because I have not understood enough of the power of time, I have been unable to break through."

Xiao Chen turned around to look at the two, and said calmly.

"Also you, although you are the duality of the gods, the power of space and the power of time cannot be integrated well at all. When fighting, you can rarely apply it to practice."

"You know, the power of space is not only used to enter the arena to play handsome and escape, but also to fight."

Xiao Chen's faint voice fell, and he shook his empty hand. The space around Lao Ning, Mo, and Xu suddenly began to shatter. In an instant, the three of them felt a cutting force acting on their skin.

The three of them had a cold expression, this was the power of space, the power of terrifying space, far more powerful than theirs.

How could it be that he was just a baby, how could he master such a powerful space power?

"Wu has no limit. There is never an end to the path of cultivation. Don't think that breaking through the seventh step is great. You are still far behind."

Xiao Chen said indifferently, the sound was like a Hong Zhong, directly striking in the hearts of the three of them.

"There is really no end to the path of cultivation, but the strength of the seventh-order powerhouse is not something you, a small sixth-order ant, can make irresponsible remarks."

At this moment, a sneer suddenly sounded, and then, the void cracked, and a group of three people came out, and what was shocking was that the three were all seven-tier powerhouses.

"Teached by a sixth-order ant, you are in vain as a seventh-order strong!" Another cold shout sounded, and then on the other side, the same void cracked, and four more people walked out, and all of these four revealed the seventh-order strong Breath.

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