Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3101: Tenglong Villa!

"Not only that, the three young masters, entering Tenglong Villa is not only a symbol of status, there is also a guard in Tenglong Villa. This guard has a hundred people, the weakest of which also has a sixth-order high-level cultivation base, and ten team leaders , Are all Tier 7 powerhouses, and the leader of this guard team is said to be a six-fold powerhouse of God Transformation, so if you become the master of Tenglong Villa, you will have this guard team!"

Old Mo added, his voice was full of solemnity.

"A guard, ten seventh-tier powerhouses, a god-transforming six-layer powerhouse, Leng Yao's great handwriting." Upon hearing this, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed with surprise.

"In fact, in places like Tenglong Villa, the other two forces also have one each. The purpose is to cultivate strong young masters, and each of the guards in Tenglong Villa is a difficult master who wants to officially settle in Orchid. The villa is not a simple thing either."

Old Xu thought for a while and couldn't help but solemnly said. Having Tenglong Villa is equivalent to possessing a six-layer powerhouse of God Transformation and ten powerhouses of seventh-order. This kind of temptation is not something ordinary people can resist. Therefore, every time the three major powers are selected for the young master, they will fight to beat the blood.

"So, it seems that Tenglong Mountain Villa is a hot potato. It will not only attract the jealousy of the younger generation of the Leng family, but if you can't subdue the guards, the owner of me can only be a decoration. It seems that Leng Yao. Guy, left me a problem."

Xiao Chen showed a little smile.

"Three young masters, you are the young master uncle of the three major forces. As long as you show your identity, how can they dare not accept it?" Old Mo said with a smile.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen glanced at Old Mo, and said lightly: "No wonder you have the lowest strength. You have not exercised your temperament, and your status and status are just imaginary. If you can't subdue them with your true ability, they will just be guilty and yin. Like a child, what happened, please cry to Master."

Old Mo smiled stiffly, and then his face was full of embarrassment.

"Remember, don't expose the fact that I am the disciple of Venerable Xihai. If I subdue them by identity, this young master can't afford to lose that person."

Xiao Chen ordered.

"It's the third young master." The three of them glanced at each other and said at the same time, geniuses have the arrogance of geniuses. Although Xiao Chen is their little master and uncle, he is still young after all. A little arrogance is normal, but the guard team is not better than them. It seems that their little master uncle is guilty to suffer.

Tenglong Mountain Villa is located in the north of Haitang City. It has an excellent geographical location, a light area and beautiful scenery. In addition to its special significance, it has attracted many passersby.

At this time, the three of Xiao Chen had already arrived in front of the solemn gate of Tenglong Villa. There were two guards beside the gate, all of them were Tier 6 seniors.

"Stop, who are you?"

The two guards stopped Xiao Chen and the others and shouted coldly.

"Do you know this?" Xiao Chen took out Leng Yao's token.

A guard took the token and looked at it at will. The next moment, his face changed drastically and he lost his voice: "Leng Yao Patriarch's token!"

"Can I go in?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Of course, I don't know who this son is?" The guard returned the token to Xiao Chen and asked respectfully.

"My name is Xiao Chen, the new owner of Tenglong Mountain Villa, and there is one more thing to trouble you. Go and gather everyone in the village. They should also see me, the new owner."

Xiao Chen said lightly.

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