Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3128: Enter the Luo family!


Hearing that, Leng Bing Hei Pao looked at Xiao Chen in shock. Although they hadn't been in Xihai for a long time, they knew what the concept of Tier 6 and Tier 7 powerhouses was. At this time, these powerhouses followed Xiao Chen's words. For a while, what happened? How strong are the three young masters now?

Xiao Chen and his entourage moved forward mightily and instantly attracted the attention of passers-by. After recognizing these people as Tenglong Villa, they all turned their eyes.

"With so many people, Tenglong Villa is all dispatched."

"This is the first time that Tenglong Mountain Villa has been dispatched. What do they want to do?"

"Although I don't know what they are going to do, since Tenglong Mountain Villa is all dispatched, something big must happen. Let's follow up and join in the fun."

As a result, Xiao Chen followed many people watching the excitement behind them. These people followed from Beicheng to Dongcheng, and this movement instantly attracted a lot of people, which caused serious traffic jams.

Luo family!

At the gate of Luo's house, there were four guards stationed. At this time, they were talking lazily, and they glanced at passers-by from time to time, their faces were full of triumph.

But at this moment, a neat pace rang, and then they saw Xiao Chen leading the Tenglong mercenary group and a group of people watching the excitement come by.

The faces of the four guards changed, and one of them stood up and shouted: "Who are you guys, why are you here?"

"Guan Sheng, break the door!"

Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Yes, Third Young Master!"

Guan Sheng walked out faintly, condensed a long spear with Yuan Li, threw it directly, and stabbed it on the door. With a bang, the entire door shattered instantly.


Xiao Chen raised his foot and walked forward, ignoring the four dumbfounded guards at all.

"This is the Luo family. Could it be that Tenglong Mountain Villa came to trouble Luo family?"

"How did the Luo Family offend Tenglong Mountain Villa, and even let Tenglong Mountain Villa be dispatched."

"But this Luo family has a very close relationship with the Gu family, and I don't know if the Gu family will come forward."

Passers-by talked a lot, but at this time, the four guards finally reacted, and a scream resounded in Luo's house instantly.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"Who is so bold, dare to make trouble in my Luo family!"

"No matter who it is, those who offend my Luo family, die!"

Murderous voices sounded in the Luo family, and all the Luo family powerhouses walked out from everywhere, gathered in the Luo family compound, and stared coldly at Xiao Chen and others who entered the Luo family compound.

"Who is Luo Yan, get out!"

Xiao Chen glanced at the Luo family strong, and shouted coldly.

"What are you, you dare to yell in my Luo family." As soon as Xiao Chen's voice fell, someone jumped out and said coldly, pointing at Xiao Chen.

"Do it, hit Luo Yan until Luo Yan comes out!" Xiao Chen said coldly, waving his big hand, and the people behind him were already swarming. The war broke out in the Luo family instantly. It was only a short time before the entire Luo family had been affected by the war.

The Tenglong Mercenary Corps are all strong men who have been wandering in the Tiangen Forest all year round. They have experienced this kind of life-and-death battle. They have rich combat experience, and they have a high level of cultivation. The Luo family has already fallen short of the battle when the battle began.

If it hadn't been for Xiao Chen's instructions in advance, the entire Luo family would have been killed and injured, not just seriously injured.

"Where did the fanatics dare to make trouble in my Luo's family and don't want to survive!"

At this moment, a loud shout full of murderous intent rang from Luo's house.

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