Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3130: Time and space constraints!

"Ghost?" The middle-aged man was surprised again.

"Senior, be careful." Xiao Chen said, the voice fell, and he appeared in front of the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man's face condensed, and a palm hit Xiao Chen's palm.


Xiao Chen flew out, and the middle-aged man also took five or six steps back.

"So fast, so powerful, after the ghosts are fused, is there such a strong increase?" The middle-aged man's face condensed, and his eyes flashed with surprise. In fact, he didn't know how much the increase could be after the fusion of ghosts. Mainly lies in the host's soul power and physical power, and Xiao Chen is now far superior to the average seventh-order powerhouse whether it is soul power or physical power. After the black-faced Yama merges, the power that it can display is even stronger.


The next moment, Xiao Chen moved again, leaving only a black light, and violently colliding with the middle-aged person. In this small space, there were no extra ornate moves, only fierce confrontations.

The more they fought, the faster the speed, and the sound of the collision became more and more intense.

"This kid has become more and more courageous, and his strength is getting stronger and stronger. No, he will lose." The middle-aged man's heart flashed with astonishment. He never thought that the four-fold powerhouse of his own grandeur would be a baby Suppressed by the changing realm juniors, and there was no time to think about it, the huge spatial force used it to restrict Xiao Chen's actions.

The middle-aged man looked at Xiao Chen and gasped, "Boy, you..."

Before the middle-aged man had finished speaking, Xiao Chen had already moved and hit the middle-aged man’s chest with a punch. The middle-aged man’s body flew out like a cannonball and flew into the treasure house.

Xiao Chen followed, and as soon as he stepped into the treasure house, the middle-aged man had already stood up, his face was a little unbelievable.

"How can you break free from the shackles of my space?"

"Space restricts these gadgets, and seniors are embarrassed to show them off. I didn't use them a long time ago."

Xiao Chen said lightly, and immediately after squeezing his right hand, the middle-aged man was suddenly shocked when he realized that he could not move.

"space bound!"

"You are wrong. It is not the constraint of space, but the constraint of time and space. Now you are surrounded by not only space but also time. After playing for so long, I should also send you to see Hades."

As Xiao Chen's voice fell, a big knife appeared in his hand, which was lifted high by Xiao Chen, and the power absorbed through the fight against the universe continued to converge towards the big knife, and a terrifying force formed in the treasure house.

The middle-aged man looked at the scary knife shadow formed on the big knife, his eyes shrank sharply. He felt that if he was cut by this knife, he would definitely die. What made him even more shocked was that no matter what method he used. , Couldn't break free of Xiao Chen's time and space constraints.

"Wait a minute, don't kill me!"

The middle-aged man hurriedly shouted.

"Give me a reason not to kill you!" Xiao Chen said lightly, still not stopping the movement in his hand.

"I know the hidden treasure house of the Luo family's treasure house. I can take you to find it." The middle-aged man hurriedly said.

"I also know the hidden treasury of the Luo Family's treasure house, this reason is not enough!" Xiao Chen said lightly, since he can find the Luo Family's hidden treasury, he naturally knows the Luo Family's hidden treasury.

"The Luo family has bought a lot of properties and collected a lot of resources in secret outside Haitang City in recent years. I know all the locations." The middle-aged man said again.

Xiao Chen looked at the middle-aged man lightly and said: "This is not enough, I want you to serve me."

"Serve?" The middle-aged man's face sank.

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