Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3134: Breathing blood!

"Okay, the person who got in the way is gone, hand over Luo Yan, don't force me to kill."

Xiao Chen looked at Luo Junfeng and said lightly.

Hearing that, Luo Junfeng finally reacted, and immediately shouted angrily: "Where is Luo Yan's bastard? Find him out for me."

"Ancestor, Luo Yan is here."

Soon, a strong man brought a young man over.

"Ancestor!" Luo Yan looked at Luo Junfeng nervously.

"Your Excellency, Luo Yan has already brought it. Let your Excellency handle it. My Luo family will never interfere." Luo Junfeng said.

"No, the ancestors save me." Luo Yan shouted in horror.

"Shut up, if it weren't for you, how could my Luo family be in such a catastrophe? You are more than guilty!" Luo Junfeng roared, looking at Luo Yan's gaze, not at all like looking at juniors, but like looking at enemies.

"This Luo family ancestor is simply!"

"For such a simple multiple-choice question, one is a disciple of the Luo family and the other is the Luo family. If I would choose to hand over Luo Yan."

"Lengbing, is he Luo Yan?" Xiao Chen said.

Leng Bing walked out from behind Xiao Chen, looked at Luo Yan angrily, and said, "San Young Master, it's him!"

"Lengbing, are you here for her?" Luo Yan said in disbelief after seeing Lengbing.

"Now that you know, let's get ready to go on the road." Xiao Chen said coldly, the killing intent was determined.

"Damn Leng Jiannian, it's all your fault." Luo Yan roared, his eyes full of resentment. If it weren't for Leng Jiannian, Leng Bing would be sent, if not Leng Jiannian would say Leng Bing was just not favored by Leng Jia His disciple, he would not treat coldly like this, nor would the present scene appear, but everything was too late.

As a sword light flashed, Luo Yan's head had already flown out, and Yuan Ying had also disappeared directly.

"Let's go."

Xiao Chen said, and then took the people from Tenglong Villa and left the Luo family swaggeringly, leaving only a pile of ruins and the injured disciples of the Luo family.

"Damn it." Luo Junfeng looked at the ruins, his eyes full of resentment, and at this moment, a strong Luo family came to Luo Junfeng.

"Ancestor, the disciple seems to have seen Old Ancestor Gu Kai walking with those people."

"Gu Kai?" Luo Junfeng's expression changed. He seemed to have seen Gu Kai just now, but he didn't pay attention. Then he suddenly thought of something and rushed towards the Luo family treasure house.

When Luo Junfeng came to the empty treasure house, looking at the treasure house where there was not even a single crystal left, he was suddenly angry, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Damn it, **** it!"

Luo Junfeng yelled, great shame, great shame, today is the biggest shame in the history of the Luo family. Not only was he beaten to the door, but also the disciples of the Luo family were handed over to be slaughtered. Now even the treasure house has been emptied. .

"Damn boy, **** Gu Kai, if I don't take revenge, I swear not to be a man!" Luo Junfeng's face was grim.

"Do you want the power of revenge? Can this seat help you?" At this moment, a female voice suddenly sounded in the empty treasure vault.

"Who?" Luo Junfeng was startled, his eyes swept across the treasure house, but he found nothing.

"The Luo family is so humiliated, don't you want to take revenge? You don't want to kill Gu Kai? You don't want to kill the kid? Don't you want to kill the people of the Gu family? Don't you want to have powerful power?"

The mysterious female voice echoed in the empty treasure house, and every word was full of temptation.

When Luo Junfeng thought of what happened today, his eyes became redder and his aura became more and more violent.

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