Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3139: Surprise for Venerable Xihai!

"Okay, get rid of these insignificant people." Xiao Chen said lightly, and the candidate for the young master of the Leng family dared to yell even if the situation was unclear. No wonder the generation of the Leng family is not as good as the generation.

When the voice fell, Guan Sheng and the others took a step together, and a horrible aura burst out, staring coldly at Leng Jianfeng and others, and shouting: "Go away!"

The sound was like thunder. Under this momentum, Leng Jianfeng and the others went back dozens of steps in fright, with cold sweat on their faces. Leng Jianfeng said with difficulty: "I am a disciple of the Leng family, how dare you be so right? I?"


The cold shout sounded again, but this time Guan Sheng and the others were not keeping their hands. The strong pressure directly shook Leng Jianfeng and the others out, fell outside the Haitang Villa, and vomited blood one by one.

Xiao Chen glanced at the screaming Leng Jiannian, expressionless, just about to speak, and suddenly saw dozens of figures lashing out, and suddenly Xiao Chen smiled again.

Soon, these people fell on the martial arts field, and these people were the twenty seventh-order peak powerhouses headed by Ao Kong.

Gu Ying Guan Sheng and the others looked at the twenty figures that suddenly appeared. The next moment, their expressions changed wildly, they had recognized Ao Kong, and their faces suddenly became extremely tense.

"I have seen the Third Young Master."

Ao Kong and the others all bowed their hands in salute, and the extremely nervous Gu Ying Guan Sheng and the others were immediately stunned.

Xiao Chen nodded.

"San Young Master, that senior let us bring surprises." Ao Kong raised his head and said.

"Oh?" Xiao Chen's eyes showed expectation. The senior in Ao Kong's mouth was naturally speaking of Venerable Xihai, and he was looking forward to what the surprise Venerable Xihai would say.

"Mountain Eagle." Ao Kong looked behind him, and then a short young man walked out behind him.

Xiao Chen was taken aback, the body of the young man in front of him turned out to be the Mountain-Swallowing Eagle that he once had a relationship with. The Mountain-Swallowing Eagle's body forms its own space, which can swallow a city in one bite.

Swallow Mountain Eagle walked out and looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Young Master Three, please let others make an open space!"

Xiao Chen waved his hand, and everyone backed away, emptying the entire martial arts field.

Immediately afterwards, the mountain swallowing eagle came into midair and recovered the true body of the original beast. A huge mountain swallowing eagle appeared, and then opened its huge mouth. Immediately afterwards, everyone saw the figures coming out from the mouth of the mountain swallowing eagle, gathering in On the martial arts field below.

"Is this?" Xiao Chen's eyes condensed suddenly, and his eyes showed shock. Soon, tens of thousands of figures gathered on the martial arts arena.

"Master, this surprise is really horrible!" Xiao Chen swallowed, the tens of thousands of figures in front of him, their bodies are all primitive beasts, and the cultivation bases on them all exudes the aura of the seventh order, that is to say , There are tens of thousands of seventh-order powerhouses in front of me. What is the concept of tens of thousands of seventh-level powerhouses?

Gu Ying, Guan Sheng, Hua Yu, Lu Jun and other strong men stared at the neatly occupied army on the martial arts field, unable to say a word of surprise.

But this is not over yet. The Mountain-Swallowing Eagle changed its place, opened its mouth and vomited. The resources of the mountain fell down. Most of them were spiritual medicine, spiritual fruit, and all of them were high-level spiritual materials, which are usually rare. The spiritual materials are piled aside like **** now.

If the spirit material vomited by the mountain swallowing eagle is compared to a big mountain, then the resource Xiao Chen got from Luo's family is just a small stone on the big mountain.

"This is?" Xiao Chen looked at Ao Kong beside him.

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