Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3145: Fist to kill the five gods!

"Really?" Xiao Chen smiled faintly, the ghostly spirit on his body gradually disappeared, the ghost-spirit fusion effect disappeared, and he returned to its original state.

"The ghost state has also disappeared. It seems that heaven is going to kill you!" The middle-aged man sneered.

"I never believed in heaven, nor did I believe that you could kill me." Xiao Chen said lightly, and the six-fold breath of Yingbian burst out, with a confident smile on his face.

"Huh, I don't know whether to live or die." The middle-aged man yelled coldly, and rushed towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen didn't dodge this time, but rushed towards the middle-aged man in the same way. The middle-aged man looked at Xiao Chen and wanted to face him up. He suddenly showed a weird and sneer color. The head-on confrontation with him was completely death-hunting.

The next moment, the two fists directly collided, the middle-aged man stayed still, and Xiao Chen flew out tens of meters.

"Not dead!" Astonishment flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes, and at this moment, Xiao Chen had rushed over again and collided with the middle-aged man again.

The collision between fist and fist was Xiao Chen's favorite fighting method, and the middle-aged man was also the main cultivator, which was exactly what Xiao Chen wanted.

The frequency of the two collisions is getting higher and higher, and Xiao Chen retreats less and less, and soon the two are on par.

"How is this possible? He can fight with the five layers of the **** of transformation to this level!" An incredible color flashed in Chai Mingjie's eyes. The two old men who arranged the barriers were also full of dignity. They knew the power of middle-aged people best. How strong they are, and how can they not be shocked that a junior who has become a six-fold infant can compete with middle-aged people to such an extent.

"Be careful." At this moment, Xiao Chen said lightly, and at the same time sneered in his heart: "Let you taste the power of the world!"

The next moment, Xiao Chen punched the middle-aged man again, and something that shocked and even shocked everyone happened. The middle-aged man’s punch was crushed by Xiao Chen, and Xiao Chen’s punch was undiminished. Punch a punch hole directly in the heart of the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man felt his fading vitality. He looked at Xiao Chen in amazement. He couldn’t understand why he had been suppressing Xiao Chen. How could it suddenly become like this? The power of that punch suddenly burst out. When he was caught off guard, he didn't even have time to react, and it became the miserable situation he is now.

The two old men stared at Xiao Chen with heavy expressions, Chai Mingjie's eyes gradually widened, and the woman showed a faint smile.

"The Third Young Master is still that great." Li Zhu and Dongfangzhi said with emotion.

"It's horrible, incredibly powerful." Dongfang Lin said in shock.

"One, then you will go up one by one or go together." Xiao Chen retracted his fist and looked at the tall and short old man, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

The tall old man and the short old man glanced at each other. The next moment, the aura in the two of them kept surging, and then, a breath of ice and a breath of flame shot out from the palms of the two, and headed towards Xiao Chen.

Seeing the tragic situation of the middle-aged, they didn't have the guts to fight Xiao Chen head-on, so they directly chose a long-range attack, with a breath of ice and flame, and attacked Xiao Chen with amazing aura.

Xiao Chen faintly looked at the breath of ice and flame. There was no evasion, no attack, or even defense. He just faintly stretched out his palms. The next moment, in the eyes of everyone's intent, the two attacks will bring Xiao Chen. Submerged.

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