Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3156: Almost killed!

"Fortunately, the dead lily reacted fast enough, or the old lady's chest would be kicked. This hatred, the old lady must be reported!" Cheng Qingling stared at the tiger horns fiercely, the flames on her body more vigorous and the aura more fierce.

"Huh, it's getting more and more interesting. It won't die like this. I'm going to see how long you can survive." Hu Jiao snorted. The next moment, he appeared next to Xia Ruoxi and Duanmu Qinghan. Kicked away.

"The defense is a bit strong." Hu Jiao sneered.

"Hmph, although there are not enough people, it can still be done if you trap you for a while. All the formations will be destroyed, start!"

Xia Ruoxi, Cheng Qingling, and Duanmu Qinghan looked at each other, and then, the three of them emitted blue, red, and gold lights. Then, the three lights gathered directly together to form a triangular formation. The tiger is trapped in it.

"Human formation?" Hu Jiao was startled slightly, and then sneered: "What about formation? Under absolute power, everything is a joke."

Tiger Jiao sneered, and then hit the triangle barrier, only three punches down, the barrier was broken, and the three women who arranged the formation immediately spurted blood.

"Your death date is here." Hu Jiao said coldly.

"Xiao Chen, leave it to you." Xia Ruoxi smiled, and the other two women also smiled.

"Don't worry." Xiao Chen's faint voice rang, and Hu Jiao turned his head to look. I don't know when, Xiao Chen appeared behind him, the sword in his hand was raised high, and the vitality of the world around him continued to gather towards the sword.

"Leverage the power of the universe! Fighting to turn the universe! The galaxy falls!"

Xiao Chen said indifferently, the power he accumulated from the fight to turn the universe, the power of heaven and earth borrowed by the universe, and all the power in his body, all merged into the star river's falling blade, a desperate knife, an unprecedented knife, decided The knife of life and death was cut under everyone's intent!

A rare look of panic appeared on Tiger Jiao's face, looking at the huge sword light that spans between heaven and earth, Tiger Jiao, an eighth-order powerhouse, finally knew that he was afraid!

"No, you definitely can't take it hard, you must hide it!" Hu Jiao said anxiously, and was about to use the space-time shuttle to escape, but his body suddenly stunned and couldn't move.

"Not good!" Tiger Jiao was shocked. He had forgotten that Xiao Chen was also bound by time and space. He could only watch the huge sword light cut off, but he couldn't move.

At the moment when the tiger's thoughts were lost, suddenly a very old turtle shell full of various patterns appeared under the huge sword light, blocking the huge sword light.


There was a loud noise that resounded through the sea of ​​innocence, and a huge wave was directly turned up around it, which drowned everything.

After everything returned to calm, Xiao Chen's four appeared to the side, with water **** on them, resisting the huge waves.

Xiao Chen's complexion did not improve, but became more solemn. He did not get the system prompt, that is to say, Hu Jiao did not die!

"Tiger Jiao, you are really embarrassed. If the old man hadn't appeared, I'm afraid you would have become a dead tiger."

At this moment, a vicissitudes of life sounded, and the four of Xiao Chen turned their heads in an instant. Not far from them, two figures appeared, one was a hunched old man, and the other was Tiger Jiao.

"Patriarch of the Turtle Clan." Xia Ruoxi's complexion condensed.

"The eighth-level strong." Xiao Chen's expression was a bit heavy, and another eighth-level strong appeared.

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