Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3161: Rejected!

"Thank you, the owner!" Suddenly Gu Ying felt more at ease, and then looked at Luan Yu and said: "I said, I am a member of Haitang Villa now, even if they agree, it is useless. If you don't believe it, then we will Go and see."

A cold color flashed in Luan Yu's eyes and said, "Please go inside, but some people are not qualified to go through the main entrance, please go through the side entrance."

With that said, Luan Yu's eyes did not leave Xiao Chen, obviously some people he was talking about were Xiao Chen.

"Are you talking about me?" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"What is your own cultivation, don't you count it in your heart?" Luan Yu said lightly.

"It's a mere sixth level, and I want to go to the front door. It's really overpowering. What do you think you are?"

At this moment, a sneer came and it was Leng Jianfeng who spoke.

Hearing that, Leng Jianyuan, Hua Yu, Guan Sheng and others all had ugly faces, Xiao Chen and Xia Ruoxi's three daughters had calm faces, and they would not be bothered by these trivial matters.

"Oh, it turns out that I have a low cultivation base. Since the Luan family is not welcome, then we won't be boring, Huayu, send the gift from Haitang Villa, let's go back."

Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Yes, the owner." Hua Yu said, walking to the front door, took out the storage ring that had been prepared, and gave it to the person who received the gift.

The recipient didn't even look at it, so he threw the storage ring aside.

Hua Yu's face sank before returning to Xiao Chen's side, and said: "The owner, they are deceiving too much."

"It is not suitable to make trouble today, let's go." Xiao Chen waved his hand, then turned around and left with someone.

"Ashamed, I can't even enter the door." Leng Jianfeng sneered at Hot Air.

The faces of Hua Yu and others were very ugly, and they could not wait to teach Leng Jianfeng a lesson.

"Let's go." Xiao Chen said, and then turned and left in the sneer and disdain of everyone's eyes.

"Gu Ying, what are you going to do?" Luan Yu cried looking at Gu Ying who also turned around.

"Of course I am leaving with the owner." Gu Ying took it for granted.

"You are the young master of the Gu family, why bother with some indifferent people and lower your identity." Luan Yu said.

"Your Luan family's threshold is too high, it's unattainable, and even the owner is not qualified to go to the main entrance. I am a small person in Haitang Villa, who is not qualified to go in."

Gu Ying sneered, her voice fell, and hurriedly followed Xiao Chen and the others.

Looking at the back of Gu Ying leaving, Luan Yu's face was ugly. Gu Ying left as if he gave him a slap in the face.

"Dare to refuse me, I will let you beg to marry me." Luan Yu's face flashed hostility, and then smiled again to welcome the guests.

Xiao Chen and the others did not enter Luan’s house through the side entrance, but went straight back to the house. After returning to Haitang Villa, Xiao Chen looked at Hua Yu beside him and said: "Hua Yu, order to go down, Haitang Villa has entered a fighting state and broke in. Haitang Villa, kill without mercy!"

"Battle state?" Hua Yu was puzzled.

"Just follow my instructions."

"Yes!" Hua Yu hurriedly led away.

Xiao Chen and his party returned to the main hall of Haitang Villa and looked at Ao Kong and said, "You are also ready, there may be a big battle today."

"Yes." Ao Kong nodded.

"Xiao Chen, what's the matter?" Xia Ruoxi asked suspiciously.

"I felt the aura of the sea clan tiger and dragon and the old turtle, and there was a message from the master that the sea king invited her to give a comment. I am afraid the sea clan will take the opportunity to do something with us."

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