Haitang City, Haitang Villa, the melee continued, and the Haitang Villa, which was finally built, suffered a devastating blow.

Before Xiao Chen and the others had time to breathe, octopus tentacles appeared again around them, and they came over all over the world, and at this moment, another figure stood in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Qianmian appeared, and came to the void with this strong man, fighting together.

In this way, the remaining eighth-ranked experts in Haitang Villa were all dragged by Zhang Qianmian's clone, and at this time another Zhang Qianmian appeared in front of Xiao Chen and the others.

"It's amazing. In this small villa, there are ten eighth-ranked experts hidden. I just don't know if there are any more."

Zhang Qianmian said lightly.

"It really deserves to be the patriarch of the octopus clan who is older than the sea king. There are so many eighth-tier clones, but after all, the clones are clones. How long can they last?"

Xia Ruoxi said solemnly, her face very serious.

"You're right, the clone is a clone after all, but those eighth-tier powerhouses just haven't broken through for a long time, how much strength can they exert?"

Zhang Qian said lightly, although his face was calm, but it gave people a feeling of mastering everything.

Xiao Chen and their faces sank, Ao Kong and the others didn't have a long time to break through the eighth rank. Even if they were facing only the clone of Zhang Qianmian, it would not be possible to distinguish the winner or loser in a moment. Said that the current dilemma can only be solved by themselves.

"You don't have any chance of winning, hand over Yushuzhu. After all, you grew up with me, I don't want to kill you."

"Hahaha, Zhang Qianmian, do you think I'm stupid?" Xia Ruoxi suddenly laughed and said, "Is it cool to be the second child of ten thousand years?"

Hearing this, Zhang Qian's face gradually sank.

"You could have become the strongest genius in the history of the sea clan, but just when you emerged, the sea king was born, crushing all the sea clan geniuses, taking all your scenery and all the apertures away, and you have been If the sea king is overwhelming, you will naturally not be reconciled, but the strength of the sea king is higher than you, you can only choose to hibernate, and be a brother to the sea king, I am right."

Xia Ruoxi said lightly, Zhang Qianmian's performance has been quite satisfactory, and his strength is not too top-notch among the Sea Clan, and there is no edge, and the relationship with all races is good, but Xia Ruoxi, who understands Zhang Qianmian's past, will definitely not think of Zhang. Qianmianhui really willingly surrendered to Aquaman.

"I don't understand what you are talking about, I just took the order of the sea king to take back the Yu Shuzhu." Zhang Qianmian's expression remained unchanged, but he said solemnly.

"I am afraid you are not for the Sea King, but for yourself. Legend has it that Yushuzhu is a key, a key that can open the secret store left by a strongman who reached the ninth rank of the sea clan. The secret store not only changes the world. The huge resources of the situation, as well as the secret of breaking through the ninth rank, you want to obtain this secret store through the imperial water beads, improve your strength, defeat the sea king, and dominate the world."

Xia Ruoxi held the water bead, looked at Zhang Qianmian, and said calmly.

Hearing this, Zhang Qian's face suddenly became very gloomy, "How did you know this secret? Even Sea King doesn't know this secret."

Yushuizhu is a treasure that has been passed down from generations to generations by the Sea Clan, but for a long time, its biggest function is to control water. It has no substantive effect. He also accidentally got the news in an ancient place, and Xia Ruoxi is How did you know.

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