Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3172: Leng Yao's worries!

"Hey, the Leng family, the Gu family, the Luan family, and the three major forces have their own bloodline supernatural powers, but bloodline supernatural powers are extremely difficult to activate. In this generation, my Leng family has not even activated one, but your Gu family came out of it. One Gu Ying, another Luan Yu from the Luan family, I am afraid that it will not be long before my Leng family will be surpassed."

Leng Yao sighed, and his face was full of loneliness and worry. It was also because the younger generation of Leng family did not have outstanding geniuses, so Tenglong Villa had no owner for a long time. It was also because of this that he knew the identity of Xiao Chen and was looking for a place to live. At that time, he simply handed over the entire Tenglong Villa to Xiao Chen.

Being able to be accepted as a disciple by Venerable Xihai, his future achievements are bound to be limitless. He wants to have a good relationship with Xiao Chen. If the Leng family declines in the future, Xiao Chen can also take care of him, so that there will be no more bones left.

Gu Yao didn't speak, but looked at Xiao Chen silently, but at this moment, Luan Haoran suddenly spoke.

"Gu Ying's girl activated the cold ice bloodline, and Yu'er activated the Chilei bloodline. If he combines the two together, the offspring will be more talented. It is better to let Gu Ying be the master and match Gu Ying's girl. For Yuer, what do you think?"

Luan Haoran looked at Gu Yao and waited for the Gu family and said lightly.

Hearing this, the rest of the Gu family's eyes lit up, and their hearts moved, but Gu Yao's face sank.

In the past few days of Luan Haoran’s birthday, everyone knows that Luan Haoran has a relationship with Hualing, one of the Five Sacred Powers. In addition, the Leng Family and Gu Family Master are not in Haitang City. One end.

And Gu Yao felt great ambition from Luan Haoran's words.

If you marry Gu Ying to the Luan family, you might be able to establish a relationship through the Luan family and Hualing, but I am afraid that the Gu family will no longer be the Gu family by then, but Gu Yao can't refuse it face to face, so he is a little worried.

But at this moment, he suddenly caught Xiao Chen, his eyes lit up, and before others could speak, he hurriedly said, "It is her blessing that the girl Gu Ying can marry Luan Yu, and my Gu family is also very happy. but..."

With that, Gu Yao's face was embarrassed.

"But what?" Luan Haoran said lightly.

"But now that girl Gu Ying belongs to him. This matter still needs his consent. Our Gu family can't be the master." Gu Yao pointed at Xiao Chen very embarrassedly, and directly kicked the ball to Xiao Chen. Uncle Three Masters, one is Uncle Junior Master, you gods can solve it yourself.

"Gu Yao, Gu Ying brought Tengying Mountain Villa to Haitang Mountain Villa. You said you want to give us an explanation. Let's talk about it now. Who is that kid!"

An ancestor of the Gu family said that he was also one of the three ancestors. Except for Leng Yao, Gu Yao and Luan Haoran, who knew that Xiao Chen was a disciple of Venerable Xihai, no one else knew.

Hearing what this ancestor said, the other ancestors of the Leng family also looked at Leng Yao, because Gu Yao and Leng Yao's words were the same.

"Well, it's not that I don't say it, but I can't say it. When it's time for you to know, you will know it naturally." Gu Yao was embarrassed that Venerable Xihai had specifically mentioned that Xiao Chen's identity should not be exposed.

The other ancestors still want to continue to ask, Luan Haoran has already said indifferently: "I'll talk to him personally in a while, so let's watch the battle with ease now."

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