Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3175: Standoff!

Hearing Xiao Chen calling Luan Haoran's name directly, the Luan family's strong eyes flashed anger, and he was about to scold Xiao Chen, but when he saw the lineup behind Xiao Chen, he swallowed back what he wanted to scold.

"Unexpectedly, in a short period of time, you already have such a deep foundation, you really underestimate you, Junior Brother, are you interested in mixing with Senior Brother?" Luan Haoran laughed.

"If the brother wanted to mess with me, I would be very happy." Xiao Chen said lightly, he did not expect that Luan Haoran would actually attract his attention.

"I don't like people who are ignorant." Luan Haoran looked at Xiao Chen deeply.

"I don't like people who are ignorant." Xiao Chen did not back down.

"Very good." Luan Haoran took a deep look at Xiao Chen, then turned and left the place with the Luan family powerhouse and Luan Yu.

Xiao Chen looked at Luan Haoran’s back and was a little silent. He could see that Luan Haoran was a very ambitious and city man. He came to Haitang Villa this time, probably not for the purpose of looking after the shadows, but to test Xihaizun. Luan Haoran would definitely do it if Xiao Chen hadn't shown his background.

But this time he refuted Luan Haoran's face, and the Liangzi between them was settled.

"Do you want to go in and sit down?" Xiao Chen looked at Leng Yao, Gu Yao and others.

"Uncle Junior Master, the disciple and others still have important matters to deal with, so I won't go in, disciple leave!"

Leng Yao and Gu Yao handed over, and then left quickly.

Xiao Chen didn't keep him either. Now he and the Luan family are having an unhappy relationship. For Leng Yao and Gu Yao, the best way is not to contact each other.

"Owner, sorry, caused you trouble?" Gu Ying said apologetically.

"This has nothing to do with you. My third senior brother is not a simple person. If I don't want to surrender to him, the confrontation will be a matter of time."

Xiao Chen said calmly, and then waved at the person behind him, and everyone dispersed.

Gu Ying looked at Xiao Chen's back, with thoughts flashing in her eyes.

What happened in Haitang Villa did not go out, but the top three powers all knew that they had one more little master and uncle, but they didn't do anything, just kept silent.

Xihai Palace.

Venerable Xihai looked at Xiao Chen and said indifferently: "Haoran, this kid has a high spirit. After these years of training outside the four seas, I am afraid that he has suffered a lot of blows. It is normal that he is not reconciled. He came back this time with no purpose. simple."

"The disciple understands that this time the disciple is here to ask Master about something." Xiao Chen said.

"What do you want to inquire about?"

"About the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains." Xiao Chen said.

"Three mountains and five sacred mountains? The three mountains and five sacred mountains belong to the same place names as the four seas and eight deserts. The difference is that the three mountains and five sacred mountains also represent the eight major forces. The three mountains are Penglai Immortal Island and Yandang Demon Island. Mausoleum, Hengling, Tailing, Songling, and the most mysterious war tomb, the power of the three mountains far exceeds that of the five mountains."

Venerable Xihai said lightly, and at the same time passed a map to Xiao Chen's mind. It was a map of the power distribution of the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains.

"You should already know that the seventh step is called the Huashenjing, and the eighth step is called the Hedao State. It is very common in the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains, because in the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains, not only has a complete inheritance, but also because of the distance The heart is relatively close, so comprehending the power of time and space is much easier than in other places."

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