Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3189: Let's learn!

Hualing, home of Shuang!

"You little girl, you are still threatening the old man, nothing more, the old man is so old that he won't care about you."

Xiao Chen put the Linglong Tower away, found a chair and sat down, looking at Shuang Lily, and said: "Little girl, the old man is here for the first time, can you introduce Hualing to me?"

"You can introduce it, return the pagoda to me."

"Linglong Tower belongs to the old man, it can't be given to you." Xiao Chen said.

"Then there is no way. Since you don't give it, then I have to grab it." Shuang Baihe's face sank, and she was about to call someone. Suddenly the door was opened and Shuang Bai walked in.

Shuang Bai looked at Xiao Chen and Shuang Baihe in the room, and was stunned, and then there was an expression of enlightenment on his face: "You girl, it's no wonder you look down on other people. It turns out that you already have a new love, although the cultivation base is a bit low. , I’m a bit older, but it’s a man anyway."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen suddenly looked speechless, who is this little girl's new love?

Shuang Lily turned white and gave a white look: "Big Brother, your eyes are venting, how could I fall in love with such an ugly uncle."

"Little girl, who are you ugly!"

"It's you, obviously an uncle, and I have to eat an old man. You are ugly and stupid, but even if you are ugly and stupid, I won't sympathize with you. Obediently hand over the pagoda."

Shuang Lily said coldly.

"Uncle? Ugly and stupid? Sympathy?" Xiao Chen was suddenly astonished.

"Sister, what's the matter?" Frosty's face also became cold.

"He is the enemy!" Shuang Lily said solemnly.

"Enemy!" Shuangbai's face became cold, and the next moment, the person was already moving, and instantly came to Xiao Chen's body, and a palm knife smashed Xiao Chen's shoulder.


The chair under Xiao Chen and the furniture beside him instantly turned into powder, but Xiao Chen didn't move at all.

"How is it possible?" Frosty's eyes flashed with shock.

"Don't do this, I have no malice against you." Xiao Chen stood up and said lightly.

"Who are you?" Frost Baiman asked solemnly.

"My name is Xiao Chen and I come from the West Sea. I came to Hualing to find someone. As for why I appeared here, it was because there was an accident on the way, so I lived in the Linglong Tower. As a result, Linglong Tower was killed by your sister. I found it, and then I came here."

Xiao Chen took out the Linglong Tower and explained lightly.

Shuangbai looked at Linglong Pagoda and recognized that it was the accessory worn on Shuanglily's head before, and it was the same small pagoda that stunned Dou Hui.

"So that's the case, I see you right now, brother, it's better for us to discuss it."

Shuang Bai smiled and said, he is an eighth-level strong, and he didn't have any hands left in the hand of the sword just now. Even if the seventh-level peak strong hits it, it is absolutely uncomfortable, but Xiao Chen in front of him is something. No, I can't help but have an idea in my heart.

Although Xiao Chen didn't know the power of Hualing, he also knew that the Shuang family was definitely not easy in Hualing during the period of time following Shuanglily. It can be seen from the fact that the eighth-tier powerhouses would salute Shuanglily.

He could find Gu Xuanxuan, perhaps with the help of the Shuang family.

"Okay, I have long heard that Hualing's genius is extremely powerful, and I have long wanted to fight with you. I have reached the second level of Hedao at a young age. It seems that this time can be a lot of fun."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Your kid is really interesting." Shuangbai smiled, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

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