Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3197: Disappointed!

"Little girl, who are you ugly, stupid, and old!"

Just as Shuanglily's voice fell, a faint voice came.

Hearing the sound, everyone was stunned, and then all looked at where the five fingerprints were, and then they saw a figure standing there, faintly dusting the body.

"How could it be possible to be unscathed!"

"Fake it, it's a five-finger imprisoned palm, how can it be possible that there is no injury at all!"

"He must have used some special means, maybe he has a powerful defensive magic weapon!"

Everyone couldn't believe it, including Dou Hui, they were more inclined to have a powerful defensive magic weapon on Xiao Chen.

"You can have a defensive magic weapon that can counteract the attacks of an eighth-order powerhouse. It seems that your identity is somewhat extraordinary. Who are you?" Dou Hui looked at Xiao Chen and said solemnly.

Xiao Chen was a little funny, Dou Hui directly believed that he had used a defensive magic weapon, but Dou Hui was not wrong, because Xiao Chen's physical body itself was also a defensive magic weapon.

"You can think so, but your attack made me a little disappointed. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. Forget it, I don't want to play with you anymore, so be it."

Xiao Chen said lightly, and walked towards Dou Hui.

"Hmph, just relying on the benefits of defensive magic weapons, if it is true...!"

Dou Hui hadn't finished speaking, but he found that Xiao Chen had appeared behind him at some unknown time, a palm knife hit him on the neck, and he fainted gorgeously.

"Enough fun, let's go." Xiao Chen looked at Shuang Baihe and said lightly.

"It's really boring, there's not even one that can play." Shuang Baihe said bored, but even Dou Hui was defeated. It was difficult to want someone to appear on the stage, so she could only leave without interest.

Xiao Chen followed, and soon, leaving only a group of dumbfounded people, looking at Dou Hui lying on the street, could not say a word.

For Xiao Chen, what happened just now was just an episode. At Xiao Chen's request, Shuang Baihe brought Xiao Chen to the famous restaurant in the city.

As Shuang Lily, he easily found an elegant Accord. Xiao Chen took this opportunity to learn more about Hualing and other forces in the Five Sacred Mountains.

Shuanglily may be bored, but she knows everything.

In the following days, the two of them were going out together and returning together as if they were trying to complete the task, but the coldness between the two made Frosty White very helpless.

Later, Frost Bai didn't care about it. Instead, she dragged Xiao Chen to constantly learn from each other. Then Frost found that every time Xiao Chen fought with him, Xiao Chen's physical body would strengthen. It is well matched.

"Brother Xiao, I'm going to the Abyss of the Five Mountains to prepare a wedding gift for my elder sister. Do you want to go together?"

Shuangbai found Xiao Chen that day, besides Shuangbai, there were ten strong men behind him, and these ten strong men were all Tier 8 and the strongest had reached the fourth level of Hedao.

Xiao Chen and Shuang Bai's discussion, these people also saw it, so they did not show any contempt because of Xiao Chen's cultivation, but smiled.

As for the Abyss of the Five Sacred Mountains, it is the center of the five major forces of the Five Sacred Mountains. It is also the most dangerous place in the Five Sacred Mountains and the place with the richest resources in the Five Sacred Mountains.

"I'm just bored." Xiao Chen smiled.

Shuangbai smiled, and a group of twelve people tore the void directly and left Shuang's house.

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