Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3209: Xianshan Mountain Lord!

After everything was over, the yard before Frost White had become a huge tiankeng. Everyone looked at the Shentuci and Xiao Chen standing in the tiankeng with disbelief.

"Brother Xiao is okay, great!" Shuang Bai said in surprise.

"How could this be possible? How could it be intact now, and before the aura became stronger!"

"But what is his situation now, how can he feel a very ominous breath!"

"The strength just now should be caused by this guy and Shen Tuci fighting, Shen Tuci is a five-tiered powerhouse, how did this little guy do it!"

"This feeling, could it be the eye of reincarnation, you actually blended the eye of reincarnation into your body!" Shen Tu Ci suddenly condensed, and a look of horror flashed in his eyes.

"It looks good!"

"Today you must die!" Shen Tuci said indifferently.

Xiao Chen's eyes condensed. He already felt dozens of strong men with a breath of evil spirits appearing around him, and none of them were weak. When everyone hadn't understood what was happening, all of them had already appeared, facing Xiao Chen Kill!

"Good for you, since you come here to die, then I will fulfill you!"

Xiao Chen said coldly, and directly sacrificed Linglong Tower. Then, Xiao Chen drilled into Linglong Tower. The next moment, Linglong Tower suddenly became huge, directly suppressed, and two Tier 8 experts were crushed directly. Pressed into mash!

Boom boom boom!

The attacks of the strong like Shen Tuci also fell on the Linglong Tower, but the Linglong Tower remained intact, not even a single wound.

"What kind of magic weapon is this, the five-tiered Hedao attack failed to hurt it at all!"

"This kid has such a powerful magic weapon, no wonder he is so arrogant!"

"This is that small tower, so powerful, it's no wonder that Dou Hui can be stunned directly!"

The faces of Shuang Lily and others also showed shock.

In this short period of time, two more powerful men were suppressed by Linglong Tower!

"Stop it, you are going down, Hualing Mountain will be broken by you!"

At this moment, an old voice sounded, and then, no matter it was Shen Tuci and others or Linglong Pagoda, they couldn't move, and then an old man with the bones of fairy wind slowly appeared in front of everyone.

"This is... Mountain Lord!"

"I have seen the mountain lord!"

"I have seen the ancestor!"

After seeing the old man, everyone in the vicinity saluted them respectfully. The old man in front of him was the owner of Hualing Immortal Mountain, and Shuang Wushuang, the strongest of Hualing Immortal Mountain!

"Shen Tuci, you have passed it a bit, today's affairs, stop here!" Shuang Wushuang looked at Shen Tuci and said lightly.

"Mountain Lord, this kid is a catastrophe. If he continues to stay here, it will bring disaster to Hualing Immortal Mountain, and he must be killed as soon as possible!"

Shen Tuci said solemnly.

"I said that's the end!" Shuang Wushuang gave Shen Tuci a cold look. Although there was no aura, cold sweat broke out on Shen Tuci's face.

Shen Tuci's face sank, Xiao Chen's strength was beyond his imagination, plus Shuang Wushuang was standing on Xiao Chen's side. It was impossible for them to kill Xiao Chen.

"Yes!" Shen Tuci gritted his teeth.

"This little brother, you can come out too."

Shuang Wushuang looked at Linglong Pagoda again, and at this moment, Xiao Chen felt that Linglong Pagoda had resumed his actions, so he walked out and conveniently put Linglong Pagoda away.

Shuang Wushuang smiled, then waved his sleeves and swept away Xiao Chen Frost White and Frosty Lily!

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