Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3215: Hundred Tribulation Swordsmen!

Shuang Baihe said loudly, while scanning the audience, trying to find Xiao Chen.

"I want to take part in this beautiful thing too, I wonder if it's OK?"

Shuang Lily's voice just fell, and before Xiao Chen could reply, there was already a faint voice, and as the voice fell, a group of people had appeared in the sky above Hualing Immortal Mountain, looking condescendingly at the crowd below.


Everyone instantly raised their heads, Shuang Wushuang and Lu Zhaoliang also raised their heads to look at the incoming person, and then they frowned slightly.

Although the number of visitors was small, they were clearly dressed and divided into three parties. The first few people were all in white, with the word "Xian" engraved on their clothes!

Shuang Wushuang and Lu Zhaozhang have already recognized them. The two people behind them are Songling and Tailing, one of the Five Mountains, while the front one is Penglai Fairy Island, one of the Three Mountains.

The speaker was a white-faced scholar from Penglai Fairy Island, but what was surprising was that this white-faced scholar had only one left eye, and there was a deep scar on his right eye.

"It turns out to be friends from Penglai Fairy Island, Tailing and Songling, please take a seat!"

Shuang Wushuang stood up and invited.

"Thank you Wushuang Mountain Master!"

The powerhouses of the three parties have all fallen, but the geniuses of the three parties have fallen directly on the red carpet.

"I have long heard that in Hualing Xianshan and Hengling Xianshan, two beautiful women with a combination of beauty and talent have appeared. When I saw them today, I was shocked by the heavens. I wonder if I have the honor to spend the rest of my life with the two beautiful women? "

The white-faced scholar looked at Shuang Qingxuan and Lu Qianqian with a smile, and his mouth was full of praise.

"If I am not mistaken, your Excellency should be Li Shang, the Hundred Tribulations Swordsman who once destroyed the Blood Shadow Sect on Penglai Xiandao!"

Shuang Qingxuan said lightly.

"What, Li Shang, the Hundred Tribulation Swordsman!"

Hearing that, everyone’s breathing suddenly became hurried. The Blood Shadow Sect is a subsidiary force of Yandang Demon Island. Although its overall strength is not as good as any of the Five Sacred Mountains, there are many strong ones among them, and there is even a Hedao Sixth Strong By.

But it was such a powerful force, but one day, a young man in white clothes, holding a white knife, killed the world in darkness and uprooted the Blood Shadow Sect, and the name of Li Shang, the swordsman of the Hundred Tribulations, was also spread throughout. Three mountains and five mountains!

Everyone had heard of the name for a long time, but they had never seen a real person before, and they didn't expect to meet him here.

Shuang Wushuang and Lu Zhengzhou's expressions also became a little dignified. Although they hope their younger generation can marry a genius, it does not mean that they want to marry Penglai Xiandao.

"I am Li Shang!" Li Shang smiled lightly.

"Sorry, we are not interested in marrying Penglai Xiandao, so your kindness, we can only refuse." Shuang Qingxuan said, there is no room for rejection.

Li Shang's expression remained unchanged, but he smiled slightly: "I just heard that as long as I can defeat both of you, I can marry both of you. And my age is not much different from yours, I must be qualified."

"This is natural, I don't know who you want to challenge?" Shuang Qingxuan asked.

"I said, I want to spend the rest of my life with the two beautiful ladies. Naturally, both of them have to challenge. For the sake of fairness, the two can play together."

Li Shang said, and his voice fell. Everyone looked at Li Shang in shock. They wanted to say things like Li Shang's arrogance, but thinking of Li Shang's identity and deeds, they could only remain silent.

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