Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3221: Stop lying!

"Venerable Xihai!" Lu Zhaozhang's eyes were shocked: "No wonder it is so powerful, but Venerable Xihai has been silent for hundreds of thousands of years, and there has been no movement, not even the descendants. Now a personal biography has suddenly appeared. Disciple, do you want to return to the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains?"

"With the strength of Senior Xihai, if you want the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains, it is not easy, but I don't know why, I always have a feeling that the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains are not calm, and even reshuffle the cards!"

"It's not that serious, is it?" Lu Zhaojiao was a little surprised.

Shuang Wushuang didn't speak, but his eyes were a bit deep!

At this time, in the barrier, Xiao Chen and Li Shang continued to gather their strength, and the power on the two sword lights became stronger and stronger, and finally reached a critical point. With a loud noise, the two sword lights exploded directly. Yu Wei swallowed the black shadow, swallowed Xiao Chen and Li Shang, and directly hit the barrier.

The enchantment shook for a while, and the elders who maintained the enchantment felt the terrifying power attack, and their complexions were flushed, and the enchantment was no longer stable.

But at this moment, Shuang Wushuang and Lu Zhangjiao came to the edge of the barrier, and at the same time they made moves to stabilize the barrier, otherwise the barrier would be broken, and it is unknown how many people would be affected nearby.

After Shuang Wushuang and Lu Zhangjiagang stabilized the barrier, they shifted their eyes to the barrier. As Yu Wei dissipated, two figures appeared in front of everyone. Li Shang appeared on a white armor, and the explosion did not hurt him.

A tattered black armor appeared on Xiao Chen, which looked a little embarrassed, but Xiao Chen's fighting spirit not only did not weaken, but was more victorious than before.

"When the Blood Shadow Sect was destroyed, I didn't use the Hundred Tribulations armor. I didn't expect to use the Hundred Tribulations armor today because of you!"

Li Shang said lightly, Hundred Tribulations Armor and Hundred Tribulations are a set of eighth-order magical weapons, Hundred Tribulations Sabre has powerful destructive power, and Hundred Tribulations Armor is immune to attacks from those below the Sixth Layer of Hedao. Outsiders only know that he has Hundred Tribulations Sword, but never knew that he had the Hundred Tribulations Armor, because no one had ever been able to force the Hundred Tribulations Armor out.

"It deserves to be from Penglai Fairy Island. There are so many treasures. Compared with what you have, this one on me looks like tattered." Xiao Chen smiled lightly.

"Don't lie." Li Shang said, although the God of War suit on Xiao Chen didn't have any aura and looked very worn-out, how could it be easy for Xiao Chen to take it out at this time.

"Hahaha, it's just a joke, I am wearing the armor of the God of War, fighting the sky, the battlefield, the demon, the demon, and the demon, all fighting, let you try its power today!"

Xiao Chen said lightly, his body exuded a majestic fighting spirit, and even the bloodline of the **** of war that had been silent for a long time showed signs of recovery. The next moment, Xiao Chen held a knife in one hand, and suddenly rushed to Li Shang, and cut it down!

Li Shang's expression remained unchanged, but he held the Hundred Tribulation Sword in his hand and took over Xiao Chen's attack. Then, the two directly engaged in a hand-to-hand battle. Waves of battle aftermath and sword intent scattered out, impacting the barrier.

"Just performed such a terrifying move, these two people can exude such a powerful force, these two are monsters!"

"If you want me to say, the real monster is still that kid, who obviously only has the five levels of transforming gods, but can fight against Li Shang, who is a monster, to such a degree, how strong is this!"

"Yeah, I don't know where this kid comes from. I have never heard of it before."

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