Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3235: Big fat guy!

"Puff! Hahaha, interesting, interesting, kid you are too interesting, I should say you are confident, or should I say you are confident."

Suddenly a big fat man fell from the sky, shaking the mountain suddenly, laughed, his facial features were twisted together.

"I'm so confident, but fat man, you really feel happy when you grow up." Xiao Chen looked at the big fat man in front of him. The big fat man doesn't look too big, and if it is placed on the earth, just standing there is a man. Comedy star, but Xiao Chen did not despise him, because the big fat man in front of him turned out to be a six-fold powerhouse.

"I think so too. By the way, my name is General. I am the master of this general mansion. What is your name." The big fat man laughed.

"Xiao Chen."

"I heard what you just said, but it's a pity that he is my grandson, not a spy, but what you said is very interesting. Killing with a knife depends on whether the blade is sharp!"

Jiang Jun said, the voice fell, and suddenly appeared on top of Xiao Chen's head, and then the whole person directly pressed against Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen suddenly felt the whole sky pressed down.

Xiao Chen didn't dare to take any contempt, and the black light circulated. Xiao Chen punched the general's stomach. Immediately after, Xiao Chen felt a huge force hit, his whole body instantly bends down, and his heart was shocked.

This fat man is so heavy. If he were replaced by an ordinary strong man, I am afraid that it would be such a pressure, and a murder case would occur.

"Fatty, you should lose weight!"

The strength in Xiao Chen's body continued to gather toward his right hand, resisting the heavy pressure of the fat man.

"No need to reduce, my wife likes my fleshy, feel comfortable!" said the fat man.

"Aren't you afraid of crushing your wife to death?"

"Don't be afraid, she is usually on it." The fat man said shamelessly.

"I'm going, fat man, you are so dirty!"

"You kid, not a good thing either."

"This...!" The young man and the other eighth-ranked powerhouses looked at this scene with shock in their eyes. The master of the General Mansion, how powerful the general is, they are not familiar with it. Simply put, the general can rely on Weight crushes a triple powerhouse.

However, Xiao Chen not only caught the general's heavy pressure with one hand, but also had extra energy to speak. This alone was not comparable to ordinary people.

"Ghost and spirit fusion!" Xiao Chen said in a deep voice. The strength in his body climbed again. With a sudden force, he overturned the general directly. The general turned around in mid-air and then landed perfectly, except that the bluestone under his feet was directly Cracked.

"A bit capable, it seems that what your kid said is not a lie. Let me tell you, who are you, what are you doing when you come to the General's Mansion, why do you do it?" The general said lightly.

"I came to the General's Mansion to find someone. As for the hands-on, it was your General's Mansion who did it first." Xiao Chen said lightly, and then said what the guard leader had done.

"Did you do it?" The general asked with a smile, looking at the youth.

Seeing the general's smiling expression, the young man was shocked. The general's expression showed that he was very angry now, so he hurriedly said: "Grandpa, Quan Tianyuan asked me to kill this kid. I thought I would kill one. The seventh-order kid, won't cause any trouble."

The general's figure suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he had already appeared on the top of the young man's head. The young man screamed and was crushed under him by the general. The general's huge weight made the young man almost pressured without breathing.

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