Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3239: Born actor!

For the current Xiao Chen, Hedao Yizhong didn't have any difficulty at all. After a few punches, it was scrapped.

Xiao Chen opened the door and came to the second floor, but the situation in front of him made Xiao Chen dumbfounded.

"Master, how many resources have been collected?"

In the second level, there are magical weapons, medicine pills, talisman seals, sky thunders, and puppets. Not only are there a large number, but the most important thing is that all these resources are actually low-level, including those puppets. It is in the same way.

The resources collected in Tiangen's Forest at the beginning were only a drop in the bucket compared to what was in front of them.

With a move of Xiao Chen's mind, he laid down his own spiritual consciousness on all the puppets, and then left the second layer.

"Qingxuan, Qianqian, you two, come here." Xiao Chen said, summoning the two together, and then, with a wave of hands, one by one, eighth-order magical weapons, eighth-order talisman, and eighth-order pill, booming sky Lei, appeared in front of them, with a dazzling array, exuding a refreshing fragrance.

"This is?" Mu Wanping also looked over. The next moment, she was dumbfounded and stared in disbelief, "Are these all Tier 8?"

"It looks good," Xiao Chen said proudly.

"How is it possible?" Mu Wanping said in disbelief, so many Tier 8 resources, even Yandang Demon Island could not be used.

"This is Thunder Thunder, you take self-defense." Xiao Chen took a few Thunder Thunder and put them in the hands of Mu Qingxuan and Chang Qianqian. Maybe they didn't need them at all, but with these things, you can save a lot of energy. .

"Want to do it?" Xiao Chen looked at Mu Wanping again.

"Yes." Mu Wanping nodded subconsciously.

"Before I wanted to borrow your Thunder Thunder to see, but you stingy didn't show it, but now you want it, I just won't give it."

Xiao Chen gave Mu Wanping a white look.

"Wow, two young ladies, this **** is bullying me, two young ladies are going to be the masters for me!"

Mu Wanping cried out with a wow, her tears were as if she didn't need money, and the tears flowed into a river in an instant. Xiao Chen was stunned when she watched. This Mu Wanping is really a born actor, and she cries when she says she cries!

Mu Qingxuan and Chang Qianqian were also a little stunned, but seeing such a pitiful Mu Wanping crying, the second daughter felt a little soft in an instant, so she gave her Thunder Thunder to Mu Wanping.

After receiving Thunder Thunder, Mu Wanping's tears stopped instantly, and then she looked at Xiao Chen very proudly, and at the same time, she continued to provoke Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen suddenly became a little angry, this girl was really angry and not paying for her life.

"Don't be angry with Xiao Chen, she is still a child." Chang Qianqian smiled.

"How could I be angry with a little kid?" Xiao Chen laughed.

"Who are you kidding!" Mu Wanping immediately became angry.

"Of course it's you. Who else is there besides you." Xiao Chen rolled his eyes, and before Mu Wanping could refute, he continued: "I'm going to retreat!"

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen had disappeared, leaving only Mu Wanping who was sulking. After Mu Qingxuan and Chang Qianqian comforted him, Mu Wanping was relieved.

A day later, the small warship had left the Songling sphere of influence and entered the sphere of influence of the Three Mountains.

But at this moment, a group of people wearing black robes stood in front of the battleship. At the forefront of the group of black robes, there was a young man wearing a black robe and carrying a spear, looking at the battleship faintly.

"Obsidian, why are you here?" Mu Wanping looked at the young man in surprise.

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