Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3247: Obsidian joins!

Xiao Chen ignored Bai Yao's provocation, nor was he trying to avoid it. Instead, he stood there, closed his eyes, and raised his perception to the extreme.

"What's the matter, are you giving up?" Bai Yao sneered, faster, and countless sword auras passed Xiao Chen, but fortunately, Xiao Chen's defense was strong, but only a few small wounds.

Xiao Chen still didn't reply, but just after a few breaths, Xiao Chen suddenly said, "Time and space are frozen!"

As Xiao Chen's voice fell, Xiao Chen's spiritual consciousness clearly felt Bai Yao stopped right in front of him, and the long sword in his hand had already pierced his skin. Xiao Chen's eyes were fierce, without any hesitation, exhausted. A full punch hit Bai Yao's face.

Suddenly Bai Yao's face was distorted, the time and space condensing ended, Bai Yao went directly to Fei and flew out, the white light on his body gradually dissipated, and Bai Yao's life ended.

Feeling the disappearance of the white light, Obsidian and all other strong men showed incredible and shocked faces.

"Bai Yao's Bai Yao Yao Shi has been broken!"

Soon after, they saw a figure that flew out like a meteor, and finally disappeared.

"Master Bai Yao!"

Seeing this, the strongman of the Bai Yao Army was shocked, and then hurriedly left his opponent and chased in the direction where Bai Yao flew out.

Obsidian waved his hand and did not chase him. He could feel that Bai Yao was almost in a coma. This was an excellent opportunity to kill Bai Yao, but it was not the time when a full-scale battle with Penglai Immortal Island, the members of the Bai Yao army It doesn't matter how you die, but Bai Yao definitely can't die!

"Wow, Xiao Chen, you are so amazing, you even knocked that dead monster into the air!"

At this moment, Mu Wanping exclaimed excitedly, but Xiao Chen had already fallen by Mu Qingxuan's side.

"It's just a small meaning." Xiao Chen said lightly, then looked at Obsidian who was walking over, and said: "Don't you chase?"

"It's not time yet." Obsidian shook his head.

Xiao Chen didn't care either, just said: "Should we continue to fight?"

"I can't kill you, the task is destined to be impossible." Obsidian said solemnly, not to mention killing Xiao Chen, even if it was defeated, it would be impossible.

"Obsidian, since you can't complete the task, then you go back to your life." Mu Wanping hurriedly said.

"I didn't take the young lady back, and I didn't have the face to go back. There is only one way, and that is to follow the young lady and protect the young lady personally, which is an explanation to the island owner."

Obsidian said, and then without waiting for Mu Wanping's consent, he sent the rest of the Obsidian army back.

"Hey, I haven't agreed yet." Mu Wanping said in amazement.

"This does not seem to require your consent. After all, this team is in charge of me. I welcome Comrade Obsidian to join the team. When you arrive at the Island of the Evil, you will also have an extra guarantee."

Xiao Chen gave Mu Wanping a white look, then looked at Obsidian, and said in welcome.

"Thank you." Obsidian said.

Seeing this, Mu Wanping suddenly became very angry.

However, it has become a fact that Obsidian has joined, and she has no right to stop it.

Everyone boarded Mu Wanping's battleship again and set off toward the villain's island.

On the battleship, Xiao Chen sat cross-legged, the Nine Turns Shenhuang Jue constantly revolving, and the vitality of heaven and earth continuously poured into Xiao Chen's body. Every time it turned, Xiao Chen's physical body would be strengthened to varying degrees.

Obsidian was driving the battleship, and when he sensed the unusual movement behind him, he looked at Xiao Chen and felt Xiao Chen's growing strength, and he was immediately moved.

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