Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3249: Skill series missions!

The Fallen Sea!

With Xiao Chen's punch down, the head of the sea beast burst into pieces instantly, and blood poured down like a pouring rain.

Obsidian saw this and hurriedly unfolded the defensive barrier of the battleship, blocking all the dirty blood and the like, and the body of the sea beast that had lost its head fell back into the sea.

Xiao Chen fell slowly, his whole body was unspeakably refreshing, fighting under strong gravity, he felt every cell in his body breathing, and every breath would increase a little strength.

"Are you a pervert? The defense that can't be broken by the eighth-order magic weapon was beaten to death by you!"

Mu Wanping stared at Xiao Chen.

"It's because you are too weak. Even if you use an eighth-order magic weapon, you can't exert its true power." Xiao Chen looked at Mu Wanping.

"Cut, say I'm weak, if you think it's a person, you're just as perverted as you!" Mu Wanping rolled her eyes.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for triggering the space-time skill series mission!"

"Kill a thousand sea beasts to get space-time gravity!"

"Kill 10,000 sea beasts to gain space-time gravity!"

"Kill 100,000 sea beasts, you can get the time and space still!"

"Slay a million sea beasts to get time and space crush!"

"Slay thousands of sea beasts, and get time and space annihilation!"

When Xiao Chen was about to speak, suddenly a system prompt sounded in his mind. Seeing the task introduction, Xiao Chen was immediately dumbfounded.

"what's going on?"

"The reason why the Falling Sea is so difficult to vacate is not because of gravity, but because of gravity. The system absorbs space-time gravity and triggers all space-time-related skill tasks, and this is also a necessary preparation for fighting against the gods." Tao.

"The sea beasts of the Fallen Sea, even the sixth and seventh, are very powerful. Are you sure I can kill tens of millions of them?"

Xiao Chen asked, just now that only the seventh-order sea beast consumed nearly one-third of Xiao Chen's strength. If it encounters the eighth-order sea beast, it is hard to say whether it can break the opponent's defense.

"This is your business. In addition, this task can only be done by you alone. Teaming up to kill sea beasts is not counted. In addition, if there are other people to help, other people will cause more than one-third of your damage. Not counting."

"You can just say that this task must be done by me alone." Xiao Chen said with disgust.

"Hey, Xiao Chen, what do you mean?" Mu Wanping was talking to Xiao Chen. Suddenly Xiao Chen was stunned, and even showed an expression of disgust, which was too annoying.

"Nothing, I remembered something." Xiao Chen said.

"Asshole, talk to me, a beautiful girl, and you can distract yourself!" Mu Wan said angrily.

"Just you, return a beautiful girl, save it."


"Okay, okay, let's get out of here quickly, the smell of blood will attract other sea beasts." Obsidian hurriedly interrupted the two, manipulating the battleship towards the villain's island.

After driving for about twenty minutes, everyone had gone deep into the Falling Sea for some distance, and during this time, no sea beast was encountered.

Obsidian was obviously relieved, but at this moment, the sky above the battleship suddenly split, and several figures fell directly from the mid-air, just on the deck.

"Fortunately, it's a battleship."

There were six figures in total, and all of them were women. One of the women was a little surprised. Then she raised her head and glanced at the battleship. When she saw Obsidian, her expression of surprise suddenly collapsed.

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