Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3255: Wrong!

The Falling Sea, the battle is about to start!

Peng Yi and Obsidian had already fought with each other with one shot and one shot, sparks splattered everywhere, and the others also handed in hand-offs with the people of the villain.

An elder of Tier 8 rushed directly at Xiao Chen, all the power in his body exploded, and a big knife in his hand slashed at Xiao Chen's head fiercely.

Only in the next moment, the eighth-tier elder cut into nothing, a momentary astonishment appeared in his eyes, and he turned his head in an instant, only to find that Xiao Chen had appeared behind him at some unknown time.

And a black long sword appeared in Xiao Chen's hand, and a radiant sword intent spewed out, and the old man's body was bleeding in an instant, the big knife in his hand shattered, and the knife was destroyed!

"Time and space are condensed, seven stars twinkling!"

Xiao Chen's figure was like a ghost, stepping on the Seven Stars, and where the Seven Stars passed, all the dozens of powerful people on the Evilman Island appeared **** flowers, and they fell into the sea of ​​fall with astonishment.

Mu Qingxuan and Chang Qianqian also all erupted, the thunder roared, the storm raged, and the strong of the villain could not get close at all.

Bai Chun is the same light attribute power as Bai Yao. A white light shuttles through the battlefield, and from time to time there is a scream, and then the villain island powerhouse falls towards the Falling Sea.

"how is this possible?"

Peng Yi, who was fighting against Obsidian, glanced at the battlefield, and was shocked. The battle had just begun. Even he and Obsidian were still in temptation. The Island of the villain had already lost so many powerhouses, which was exactly what he thought It's different.

"Peng Yi, don't you think I am the strongest among us?" Obsidian sneered.

"Isn't it?" Peng Yi said solemnly.

"That's it, you regard them all as people from Yandang Demon Island. Except for me, you don't know any of them. That's why you despise them so much. Unfortunately, you guessed wrong. Apart from me and the lady, everyone else None of them belong to Yandang Demon Island, and their strength is stronger than mine."

Obsidian sneered. In the Fallen Sea, all the ordinary clothes that Bai Chun and the others wore, except for acquaintances, I am afraid that no one can recognize them as Penglai Xiandao.

Peng Yi actually thought that his obsidian was the strongest, it was a big mistake, not to mention Bai Chun and Xiao Chen, even Mu Qingxuan and Chang Qianqian, he also felt that he was definitely not weaker than him.

Hearing Obsidian's words, Peng Yi's face instantly sank, and he looked at the battleship and shouted: "If you don't take action, everyone else will be killed!"

As Peng Yi's voice fell, four powerful auras suddenly spread from the battleship, and then four figures rushed out of the battleship directly, and then fell down. Three men and one woman, all of them older, one of the six, and the rest The next three are all Hedao Five.

The four of them glanced at the battlefield and rushed over.

"Leave it to me for Hedao Sixth Layer." Bai Chundao, the voice fell and turned into a white light, just for an instant, he appeared in front of the Hedao Sixth Layer powerhouse with a long sword in his hand and stabbed Hedao. On the hands of the six-tier powerhouse, the two suddenly disappeared in place.

"Let's go and play too." Mu Qingxuan said, and Chang Qianqian stepped down a bit, and took away an opponent, who had disappeared in place.

"It seems that I can only deal with you." Xiao Chen looked at the only remaining middle-aged Hedao five-fold, and smiled lightly.

"A Tier 7 ant, he thinks he is a bit talented, he is the opponent of this seat?" The middle-aged man sneered, his face full of cruelty: "This genius who likes to kill the three mountains and five mountains the most, I will take you today!"

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