Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3257: Ancient legend!

The old man explained that seeing so many sea beasts, only fools would take the initiative to attack, so after discovering that Xiao Chen and the others attacked the sea beasts, they came here in order to prevent these fools from making irrational actions. They just didn’t expect these fools. The strength is so strong.

"Then the sea beast encircling the island, has it happened before?" Xiao Chen thought for a while, then asked.

"This..." The old man fell into deep thought, and after a long time, he said: "That, in fact, this kind of thing did happen before. It was passed down from my ancestors for hundreds of thousands of years. Time is up, it is said that the villain island was also besieged by sea beasts at that time, and the villain island will exude a special breath, that special breath smells unpleasant, even if it smells for a long time, even the eighth-tier strong will be in danger. "

"If the news from my ancestors is true, then all the strong on the villain's island should have escaped, and after waiting for a month or so, these sea beasts will all disappear, and the villain's island will resume its former appearance. "

"Special breath?" Xiao Chen and others frowned slightly.

However, if what the old man said is true, and the surrounding sea beasts disdain to take the initiative to attack, doesn't it mean that the strong of the villain will soon appear in this periphery.

Obsidian also thought of this, his face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly looked at Xiao Chen and said, "What should we do now?"

If you encounter a large number of powerful people on the island of villain, and if they are still enemies, even they will never survive.

"Let's return to the Fallen Town first." Xiao Chen said solemnly. The Fallen Town is a small town established by the Fallen Sea, and its prosperous level is no less than that of a giant city.

"Okay." Obsidian and the others have no objection. Now it is impossible to go to the villain's island.

The crowd returned to the Fallen Town, rented a small courtyard, and then lived there, and the few remaining people on Evilman Island were taken away by Xiao Chen and the others, serving as handymen, and at the same time inquiring news about Evilman Island.

On the third day, the old man had already inquired about the news. There were many more powerful people in the fallen town, all of them came from the villain’s island. The news from the villain’s island was almost exactly the same as the old man said. breath.

The Island of the Evilman is now uninhabitable. All the strong have hidden their breath and passed through the sea beasts, but the number of sea beasts is terrible. However, even if these sea beasts find these humans, they ignore them and face the wicked. Island, respectful in his eyes.

"Facing the villain's island?" When everyone got the news, they were a little confused.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for triggering the mission and exploring the villain's island!"

The sound of the system sounded abruptly.

"Explore the villain's island." Xiao Chen looked at the task, and the reward of the task was to make Xiao Chen's eyes condensed. The reward turned out to be a free opportunity to enter the special fantasy secret realm, the special grade fantasy secret realm, which represents a lot of pits. Fortune value, even if Linglong Tower's resources, it only made Xiao Chen pay off the debt.

Xiao Chen couldn't refuse such a generous reward. After talking to Mu Qingxuan and the others, Xiao Chen came to the Fallen Sea again by himself.

Xiao Chen summoned Linglong Tower and directly entered Linglong Tower, and then urged Linglong Tower to move towards the villain's island against the sea level. Soon, Xiao Chen saw the sea beast, but Linglong Tower became very small. These sea beasts did not notice at all.

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