Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3274: The choice of Yixun and others!

Immediately after that, Xiao Chen punched Wu Batian's stomach, and Wu Batian's face was suddenly twisted, his body retreated dozens of steps, his body shape bent down like a prawn, and he was in pain.

"How is it possible, my strength is dozens of times stronger than before, how can I be defeated by you?" Wu Batian raised his head, his eyes full of shock.

"I'm really sorry, my strength is dozens of times stronger than before. My experience is a hundred times harder than yours. It is only natural that you are defeated in my hands."

Xiao Chen said indifferently, and then glanced at the battleships of the coalition army, "But to be honest, you are really capable of the Three Mountains. This is almost a gathering of all the powerhouses of the Three Mountains and Five Mountains. By the way, there are also Four Seas and Four Seas. Sea Clan, with so many people, it's a little troublesome to kill."

"Your Excellency, your tone is a bit too big, even if you defeat Wu Batian, facing such a huge army, what can you do alone?"

Yi Xiucheng suddenly sneered a little uncomfortably when Xiao Chen said such pretending words.

Xiao Chen glanced at Yi Xiucheng and ignored him. Instead, he set his gaze on Yixun and said indifferently: "What about the rent I asked you to charge, and since you have betrayed Xiaoyao Island, please The rent owed will be settled together. I think you will be cheaper. One hundred million yuan per person. If you can’t get it out, then I’m sorry, just use your lives to pay for it.”

Hearing this, Yixun and others' expressions changed, and Yi Xiucheng's expression was also gloomy. Xiao Chen dared to ignore him, making him, the strongest genius of Penglai Immortal Island, a great humiliation.

"As the young master of Penglai Immortal Island, I order you to kill him. As long as you kill him, your previous sins will be wiped out, and you can live as free." Yixiucheng looked at Yixun and others.

Hearing that, Yixun and the others were shocked and restored their free status. This is a far cry from the previous conditions. After all, even if they surrendered before, they were just slaves, but now they are truly free people!

"Whether you obediently hand over 100 million yuan of crystals and act as a bystander, or do it to me for the sake of freedom, you have to think about it, because this is related to your wealth and life. A difference in thought will be forever."

Xiao Chen smiled lightly, he was looking forward to Yixun's choice.

However, Yixun knew that they had no choice, because if they did not do anything, Yixiucheng would definitely hate them. Then their slave life would be more difficult. Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Xiao Chen is better than the coalition army, but this It is absolutely impossible.

Because they felt a few vague auras in the combined army, Wu Batian and the others were not the strongest.

"Although this kid is strong, he is only one person after all. Let's take the shot together!" Yixun said solemnly, already made up his mind, and regardless of the demeanor of his seniors, he directly chose the group attack.

And hearing Yixun’s voice, the elders all gathered towards Yixun, and finally formed a team of nearly 30 people, and the weakest was Hedao Sixth, and the strongest was Yixun Hedao. Yae, such a strong lineup, even Wuyue can't compete with it.

"Oh, are you going to do it to me? That's okay. Come on." Xiao Chen took a posture, with a smile on his face. Looking at Yixun and others, he didn't have any fear at all, but was full of war. meaning.

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