Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3287: Xuanwu appeared!

Over Xiaoyao Island.

The strong man who did not return to Lushan, Hualing Immortal Mountain, Hengling Immortal Mountain, and even Xiaoyao Island looked at Xiao Chen who came out of the explosion intact, and immediately respected like a god!

"This kid has grown amazingly. I'm afraid he won't be killed if he doesn't enter the ninth rank!" Takeo said in a deep voice.

"Tier Nine, even if we are the incarnation of Lord Tiansha, we don't mean that we can break through through breakthrough, but they should be about the same." Yi Gu Sheng said in a deep voice.

"They are coming or not, we are going to die here!" Wu Xiong looked at Xiao Chen walking towards them step by step, feeling a little anxious, but at this moment, a dragon roar suddenly sounded, and the sound of the dragon roar was earth-shattering. The tsunami rolled over, and many buildings on Xiaoyao Island were directly destroyed under Long Yin, and there were many strong people who were vomiting blood from Long Yin Zhen on the spot. Even the eighth-rank strong people were pale.

"what is that!"

Suddenly there was a sound of alarm, and then everyone looked to the east, but saw a big indescribable bone dragon coming towards here, the bone dragon roared, the body hovering, huge, the whole body shape, no less than Xuanwu!


When everyone was shocked, another tiger roar sounded, and then another white tiger skeleton roared from the west, its size was not weaker than the bone dragon.

"What is this? What a huge pressure!"

"So big, is this a creature?"

"This is just a skeleton. It is really hard to imagine how magnificent and powerful this creature is when it is not dead!"

Everyone looked at the bone dragon and the white tiger skeleton, shocked and speechless, their eyes were full of two creatures that were too large to describe.

At this moment, another sharp whistling sound came, and then another huge bird skeleton in the north, with a pair of wings spread out, I don't know how big it is.

"It's such a big bird. Although only the skeleton is left, it can still feel an unspeakable coercion and heat. Could this be the bones of Suzaku?"

Xiao Chen's eyes were slightly solemn, and at this moment, a dull voice sounded, and then, Xiaoyao Island began to vibrate. Then, blisters appeared on Xiaoyao Island, protecting all the creatures on Xiaoyao Island. These blisters floated towards the depths of the fallen sea.

When there were no creatures on Xiaoyao Island, the entire Fallen Sea turned up a huge wave. Then, Xiaoyao Island rose directly from the ground into the air, and then the head of Xuanwu slowly appeared. The body of Xuanwu finally appeared at this moment. It is thoroughly shown in front of the world.

Those strong men in the blisters looked at the huge basalt and were dumbfounded. They couldn’t say a word. The island they had lived on for so many years had actually flew up, and it was still a huge basalt, which was too dreamy. Right.

Not returning to Mount Lu, Shuang Wushuang, and even the people of the Xiao Family Army were shocked and speechless. The giants of the Xiao Family Army were as small as ants in front of the giant Xuanwu.

Suddenly, in the Falling Sea, four giants appeared, forming a four-cornered potential. If you look at it from a high altitude, you can just see that the four giants are exactly the basal position of the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Suzaku!

"You stay away from here, the next step is the battle of the ninth rank powerhouse, which is not something you can participate in!" Xiao Chen said solemnly, and hearing Xiao Chen's voice, these people finally woke up from the shock, and then hurried away from here. .

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