Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3290: Black bear!

"You..." Yi Gu Sheng's face sank, they have nearly twenty existences no less than him, and Xiao Chen has only one person. If he were Lu Dehou, he would naturally choose their side, but he was completely Unexpectedly, Lu Dehou was actually on Xiao Chen's side.

"I didn't expect you to be like this. You are so handsome and outrageous. You compare me." Xiao Chen looked at Lu De with a thick smile, with a trace of nostalgia on his face.

"Hey, I look pretty good, isn't it better-looking than Qingdi?" Lu Dehou smiled proudly.

"It's a bit, I originally thought that you would be a thick and strong man in human form, but I didn't expect it to be a little white face." Xiao Chen said seriously.

"Boss, are you jealous of my handsomeness? I know that Xiaobaiface is a curse." Lu Dehou laughed.

"Cut, I will be jealous of you, but now that you have become like this, is your strength weakened?" Xiao Chen said.

"Boss rest assured, let them go, there is still no problem." Lu Dehou looked at the ancient sage Yi and them, pinched his fingers, and sneered.

"It's been a long time since we fought side by side. Thinking about those days, I still miss it a bit, but it's time to stop here. We still have serious things to do.

Xiao Chen's face suddenly became serious, and then he looked at the black robe and waited for the Tiansha incarnation.

"Unexpectedly, you still know the Lord of No Return to Lushan, but it's just an extra fool who is overpowering. Now I will send him on the road!"

Old Sage Yi stared at Lu Dehou in a cold voice, although Lu Dehou and him were both the lord of the Three Mountains, that was before he was awakened. Now that he is awakened, Lu Dehou is no longer in his eyes.

After the words fell, Old Sage Yi had already cut directly at Lu Dehou.

Xiao Chen's eyes condensed and he was about to make a move, but Lu Dehou stepped in front of him. He looked at the dark sword cut by the ancient sage Yi Gu, without any fear on his face, just clenched his fist, and then Punch on the dark sword.


Xiao Chen's gaze narrowed. He did not expect that Lu Dehou would go head-to-head with Old Sage Yi, but the next moment, an amazing scene appeared, Old Sage Yi was smashed into a pile of black energy by Lu Dehou's punch.

"How is it possible!" Takeo suddenly opened his eyes, and the other Tiansha's eyes condensed. At this moment, the figure of Old Sage Yi condensed again, looking at Lu Dehou, his face was full of disbelief.

"How could it be, how could you be my opponent!"

"You're so weak!" Lu De said with disdain, but these three words are the face of the ancient holy spirit. He is the incarnation of the dignified god, but he is said to be really weak. This is the biggest humiliation to him. .

"I'm going, you are quite capable!" Xiao Chen patted Lu Dehou's shoulder and said in surprise.

"I must be better than Qingdi now." Lu De said proudly.

"You are really a good pair of friends." Xiao Chen smiled.

"Boss, I have a demon queen." Lu Dehou said silently.

"This power is a bit familiar, I remember it, it turned out to be the first generation of demon power, who are you?" The black-robed woman suddenly remembered something, staring at Lu Dehou, and said solemnly.

"What, the first generation of demon power!"

Hearing that, the other Tiansha like Yi Gu Sheng, their faces were shocked, and then their eyes flashed solemnly.

"It looks good. It is indeed the first generation of demon power. As for me, I am not a Lu Dehou at all. My name is Black Bear. I am the demon ancestor with the first generation of demon power!"

Lu Dehou, no, the black bear said lightly.

"He Xiao Chen is my black bear's eldest brother, and his enemy is my black bear's enemy."

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