Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3295: Tiansha stared!

The Fallen Sea!

"Then I will send you to death now!" Tian Sha's indifferent voice sounded, and then he gave Xiao Chen a stare.

Xiao Chen suddenly felt a great horror coming, his soul was almost annihilated because of this great horror, and his flesh was so glared that he was close to the edge of collapse, and his whole body was already covered with blood.

"It's terrifying!" Xiao Chen had never felt that he was so close to death. This was just a look in his eyes, how terrifying Tiansha was.

"It's interesting that I haven't died yet!" Tian Sha said in surprise, "Since I don't die once, then come here again!"

"Boss!" The black bear exclaimed. He wanted to rescue, but now he felt a qi lock on him, making him unable to move.

"God, are you scared?"

At this moment, a figure suddenly stood in front of Xiao Chen. The person who came was not someone else, it was Venerable Xihai, but at this time, Venerable Xihai had a slightly different aura. The aura lost its holiness. A trace of ignorance and destruction.

"You said I'm afraid? Do you think I'm afraid of an ant that can be pinched to death?"

Tian Sha looked at Venerable Xihai indifferently.

"But it's you, in order to stop this seat, you even recombine good thoughts and evil thoughts into one, you really can fight."

"All of this is worthwhile. The great famine has not yet come to an end. It is only because of some external forces that we have appeared in advance. Why do we want to destroy the world? After the world is destroyed, it means that we are going to perish, and why don't we live well? ."

Venerable Xihai said solemnly.

"Keep alive, what's a joke? They have no ability and can't protect the prehistoric land, so it's better to just destroy it and ruin it in the hands of others, it is better to destroy it in the hands of this seat, anyway, this seat wants only destruction!"

Tian Sha sneered, his face still indifferent and terrifying.

"What you want is destruction, and what I want is to live, so we are destined to not be the same. Although I have lost the eye of reincarnation now, your current strength is not all here. There is still a need between us. Was it a war?"

Venerable Xihai said solemnly.

"It's really unnecessary. For this seat, you are just ants that can be pinched to death at any time, but it won't take long before the heart of the wild will fall into the hands of this seat, and then you will die as well!"

Tiansha's voice fell, and turned around, carrying other Tiansha incarnations, which had completely disappeared.

"Apprentice, are you okay." Venerable Xihai looked back at Xiao Chen.

"Thank you, Master, for your help, the disciple can't die."

"After you have dealt with the things here, there are some things that need to be told to you as a teacher." Venerable Xihai said, the voice fell, and it has disappeared, really coming and going in a hurry.

Thought flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes.

"Boss, are you okay?" Hei Xiong and Da Bai gathered around.

"I'm okay, Da Bai will go to see Gu Ying and Hua Yu, I will recover, there are three monsters waiting for us to solve."

Xiao Chen shook his head, and immediately afterwards, he directly opened the special illusion and illusion realm. The Nine Turns Divine Desolation Jue and the Soul Refining Art worked at the same time, beginning to restore his body and soul.

He originally thought he was already very strong, but today he almost died because of Tiansha's stare, allowing him to fully understand the gap between him and Tiansha.

He is too far behind.

After recovering to the peak, Xiao Chen left the special-grade illusion and secret realm. Looking at Xiao Chen who had recovered to the peak, there was nothing strange about the black bear. Anyway, his boss had a lot of secrets.

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