Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3299: Help!

The sea of ​​void!

"A big battle?" Xiao Chen frowned slightly when he heard the explanation from the black bear. I'm afraid this battle is inseparable from the evil spirits and the creatures outside the wild.

However, the black bear didn't know much about the memory of that battle. Xuanwu shut up and didn't talk about it. The other women also shook their heads, not knowing if they didn't know or didn't want to say it.

Xiao Chen didn't ask too much, anyway, he didn't care about the battle, he only cared about how to solve the gods!

Xuanwu was still moving forward in the Void Sea, and encountered various crises, all of which were blocked by the tortoiseshell, and everyone passed through the Void Sea unimpeded all the way!

However, not long after they left the Void Sea, Xiao Chen and the others encountered a chaotic battle. There were as many as a thousand people on both sides of the battle, and most of their cultivation bases were Tier 8, and even a few of them were strangely vague. I am afraid they are no less than Nine orders.

The battle is extremely fierce, almost all of life and death!

When Xiao Chen and the others appeared, many people on both sides had found Xiao Chen and them, but their expressions were different. Some of them suddenly showed surprise, while some showed shocking killing intent.

Suddenly, these people who showed their killing intent did not hesitate to kill Xiao Chen and the others. They were all kinds of terrifying tactics, obviously holding the heart of killing.

At this time, Xuanwu had already recovered his body. With a wave of his hand, a tortoise shell stood in front of Xiao Chen and the others, and took all the attacks off. Then he looked at those people full of killing intent and waved his hand again. Pieces of tortoise shells looked like blood drops. Generally, all these people will be beheaded and blood will be spilled on the spot instantly!

"Predecessors of the Xuanwu clan, please help!"

After seeing Xuanwu killing these people simply and neatly, the other strong men suddenly showed surprise, and then hurriedly called for help.

"My lords?" Xuanwu looked at Chu Yunmeng and the others with seeking gaze, obviously wanting to ask if he wanted to make a move.

"Let's do it together, get rid of the people with yin and yang gossip patterns on their foreheads." Chu Yunmeng said, the voice fell, and everyone except Xiao Chen started to do it.

Xiao Chen watched the battle between the two sides, frowning slightly. Many people had patterns of Yin-Yang gossip on their foreheads, and these patterns were very similar to Yin-Yang mirrors, and the faint aura of destruction from them made Xiao Chen involuntarily. Linked them to Tiansha.

Venerable Xihai said that the main energy of the evil spirits is not in the three mountains and five sacred mountains. It is obvious that these people are probably the people of the evil spirits.

With the participation of Xuanwu and others, the balance of battle was overwhelmed in an instant. Those strong men with yin and yang patterns suddenly retreated, and soon fled here.

"In the next wolf clan Qin Yongsheng, thank you for your help." The rest of the people quickly gathered together. A handsome and extraordinary young man with a few powerful masters came to Xuanwu and the others and bowed their hands. Thank you.

"Don't be grateful, but I didn't expect you to belong to the wolf clan, and you have awakened a trace of the first generation wolf ancestor demon power. It seems that you are not low in the wolf clan!"

Xuanwu glanced at Qin Yongsheng and said lightly.

"Senior has good eyesight, and I am the Young Master of the Wolf Race. When I came here this time, I just wanted to grab some food and go back, but I didn't expect to encounter the Demon Cult of the Sky. If it weren't for a few help, I'm afraid we can't get away easily. "

Qin Yongsheng gratefully said, and at the same time glanced at the other people, his eyes suddenly showed a strong surprise.

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