Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3303: What to do!

The heart of the wild, outside the territory of the wolf clan!

"Asshole, you dare to attack Big Brother Qin Zhuo!" The other wolf clan children suddenly became angry, and attacked Xiao Chen at the same time, but the next moment, they were already lying on the floor.

"Why?" Qin Zhuo's face was full of disbelief, Xiao Chen defeated them all without even exuding his aura. You know, among them, the weakest has the Five Combinations, the strongest. There are also Hedao Yae!

"You are really too weak. With this ability, you dare to trouble me. I have to think about how to deal with you."

Xiao Chen smiled faintly, and then his eyes rolled, a shovel condensed in his hand, bang bang bang, a few shovel down, a big hole has been formed.

"Buying you alive is a good choice."

Hearing that, Qin Zhuo and the others shrank!

"Not good." However, Xiao Chen quickly rejected this idea: "If you bury you alive, it would be a waste of land resources. Simply burn you to ashes.

With that, a flame was condensed in Xiao Chen's palm, and the beating flames made Qin Zhuo and the others pale.

"This won't work either, you are not qualified to die under my flames, so why not..."

Xiao Chen denied this decision again, and then stretched out his hand, a Yuan beast was sucked by Xiao Chen from a distance.

"It is also a good choice to let this Yuan beast eat you. What do you think?" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Boy, if you dare to kill us, the wolf clan will never let you go." Qin Zhuo threatened with a pale face.

"You guys can't cultivate, and were eaten by a low-level elementary beast, what does it matter to me?" Xiao Chen said indifferently.

"You! How dare you insult us like this!" Qin Zhuo said angrily. They are the children of the Wolf Race. Xiao Chen wanted a low-level Yuan beast to eat them. This is definitely a major insult to the Wolf Race!

"Are you wrong, humiliating you? You take yourself too seriously. In my eyes, you are just a bunch of ants that can be pinched to death."

Xiao Chen looked at Qin Zhuo condescendingly, and said indifferently, "I will let you go once today. If you don't know the interest, don't blame me for being rude."

The voice fell, Xiao Chen stepped on his feet, and the person had disappeared.

"What kind of pervert is this kid, who is so strong?" Qin Zhuo said with some lingering fears, and just as his voice fell, it seemed like an earthquake nearby, a huge pit appeared, Qin Zhuo and the others fell in the pit, looking Surrounded by shock.

Qin Zhuo suddenly thought of the foot that Xiao Chen had before leaving, how powerful Xiao Chen had it, only to lightly step on it, causing such terrifying destruction.

"Brother Qin Zhuo, what should we do now, and should we continue to deal with that kid?" A wolf tribe kid couldn't help asking.

"That kid is not easy. It is not easy to make a move without knowing his details, but I heard that the dragon clan’s stubbornness is in the nine-color cat clan. Come to find out the details of that kid and the others."

Qin Zhuo thought for a while and said in a deep voice, but when he heard Qin Zhuo's words, the other wolf clan children's expressions changed slightly.

Qin Zhuo made a detailed plan, and several wolf clan children left quickly.

After Xiao Chen returned to the wolf clan territory, he didn't disturb anyone. The next day, under Qin Yongsheng's warm reception, Xiao Chen and the others stayed for another day, but during the period, Qin Zhuo was not looking for Xiao Chen's trouble.

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