Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3350: Four Gods of War!

In addition, there is a black dragon hovering down, directly crushing a destruction monster into powder, and disappearing between heaven and earth.

The scene that happened suddenly, looking directly at everyone was silly, such a terrifying monster was so easily solved, and the pride on their faces in Heipao had not disappeared, they were already stiff on their faces.

"Who, get out of me!" The black-robed woman immediately shouted angrily after reacting.

"Get out, what about you?" As the voice fell, four figures slowly fell from the sky, two men and two women, looking at the incarnation of Tiansha, with apathy on their faces.

"They are..." Feng Ling, Shangguan Ye and other sacred guards showed doubts on their faces, followed by shock and disbelief, and then turned into excitement.

"It's them, could it be...!" Gong Yelang also recognized the origin of the person, and subconsciously looked at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen looked at the four of them with a smile, "Why are you here?"

The four people in front of him were four of the ten gods of the Tianxingzong, Gao Fumei, Lei Qianjue, Zhan Taihuo, and Ran Xiaoqi.



After the four fell down, they first saluted respectfully.

"We want to be the boss, so let's take a look." Lei Qianjue smiled honestly.

"Xiaoyun should have told you that I will go to the cosmic battlefield when I resolve the matter here, and the battle in the cosmic battlefield is very tight. You should have other things."

Xiao Chen said.

"Master, you are right, we do have other things." Gao Fumei said.

"We are mainly investigating the monsters that were just killed by us. These monsters appeared on the cosmic battlefield and caused a lot of losses to us. After investigation, these monsters are a kind of monster called Zhang Snake among the evil demons outside the territory. Zhang She is a descendant of the octopus and snake clan. It was originally a trivial race among the evil demons outside the territory, but somehow it suddenly became so powerful."

Zhan Taihuo continued, his face still a bit solemn.

"This kind of monster also appeared in the cosmic battlefield?" Xiao Chen was shocked when he heard that, and the other people's expressions changed drastically. They had just learned how difficult this kind of monster was. If a large number of this kind of snake monsters appeared on the cosmic battlefield, For the Star Universe, it was a catastrophe.

"Yes, we suspect that the reason why the Zhangshe race has become so powerful may be related to the Tiansha. If the Tiansha unites with the evil demons outside the territory, it will be even more unfavorable for us." Ran Xiaoqidao, speaking, her eyes Already looked at the incarnation of the gods.

"It's not possible, but it's related to Tiansha." Xiao Chen also looked at the Tiansha incarnation.

"I didn't expect you to find it so soon, but if the clones of four of the ten war gods died here, it would be even more interesting!"

The black-robed woman sneered, and as her voice fell, many Tiansha incarnations blew themselves directly, turning into a group of destructive powers, and then merged with other Tiansha incarnations, just like when they were in the Falling Sea, and soon , There were only four Tiansha incarnations left around, but the aura on them at this time was strong and terrifying!

Xiao Chen, Gao Fumei, Lei Qianjue, Zhan Taihuo, Ran Xiaoqi stared at the four incarnations of the gods, expressionless, the next moment, the four of them did it at the same time, the Vermillion Bird ran through the sky, the thunder lion roared, the golden snake danced wildly, and the blue dragon circled , Respectively attacked the four incarnations of Tiansha.

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