Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3361: Guards of the Star City!

"What, how dare to do it privately in the Star City, so bold!"

Several other youths stared at Xiao Chen angrily, and these words spread out, causing those who don’t know the truth to eat melons, instantly became furious, as if it was a sinful crime in the Star City to commit a private act, so that it was just After a while, many powerful people were surrounded in the restaurant, all staring angrily at Xiao Chen.

The three of Xiao Chen frowned slightly, so blatantly framed, there are people who believe it.

"Boss, what should I do?" Black Bear frowned.

"Cold salad." Xiao Chen said, then looked at the young people in front of him, "Keep the way out!"

"Hmph, you don't want to run away, I advise you to be here obediently and wait for the appearance of the guards of the Star City. In this way, your sins can be lighter."

A young man snorted coldly.

"It's really noisy!" Xiao Chen said coldly, and the space-time gravity was activated. All the people around him suddenly knelt down, unable to move at all!

The three of Xiao Chen walked past the crowd step by step, and finally came to Qishang, their expressions slightly cold.

Qi Shang's face changed, "What do you want to do?"

"Didn't you say that I attacked you? Naturally, I wanted to implement this matter." Xiao Chen said lightly, and then appeared in front of Qishang, punching Qishang's stomach with a punch, and Qishang was suddenly big. The shrimp generally bent down, spouting a mouthful of blood, and their faces twisted together because of the pain.

"Qi Shang, right? You wouldn’t be naive to think that this is Star City, your Dragon Clan’s territory, so I dare not kill you. If you think so, then you are too wrong, in my heart , You are just a rubbish. I am afraid that my hands will be dirty and I have never killed you, but you have been like a fly. If you buzz in front of my eyes, then I can only shoot you to death."

Xiao Chen lowered his head and whispered in Qi Shang's ear, with a chill that was close to Qi Shang.

There was dripping cold sweat on Qi Shang's face. He had never felt that he was so close to death. He knew that Xiao Chen was not joking, but Xiao Chen really dared to kill him!

"Let's go!" Xiao Chen said, and then swaggered out to the restaurant, but had not yet left the restaurant. A group of troops wearing armor with a'star' engraved on the armor had already blocked the restaurant.

"Look, it's the guards of the Star City, and the leader is the disciple of the Star Sect, Yi Mingfei!"

"The Guards of the Star City are spontaneously formed by the various races in the Star City. The disciple of the Star Sect is the leader and is responsible for the patrol of the Star City!"

"Why did they stop in front of the restaurant?"

"It seems that someone in the restaurant is voluntarily armed!"

"Private martial arts, what are you kidding about, what idiot doesn't want to live anymore, dare to marry privately in Star City!"

The passers-by on both sides of the street laughed instantly.

As for Qishang in the restaurant, when he saw Yi Mingfei, the cold sweat on his face disappeared without a trace, but was full of joy!

Yi Mingfei walked into the restaurant with the guards, glanced at the situation in the restaurant, frowned slightly, and said indifferently: "I heard that someone is voluntarily fighting in the restaurant. Who can tell, what's the matter?"

"Brother Ming Fei!" As soon as Yi Ming Fei's voice fell, Qi Shang's weak voice came over. Hearing this, Yi Ming Fei was startled, and then looked towards Qi Shang. When he saw Qi Shang's tragic situation, his face suddenly appeared. There was a look of astonishment.

"Are you Qishang? What's the matter with you?" Yi Mingfei said in surprise.

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