Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3378: Too elder!

Tian Xing'er said, in the gift statue, not only the power she left behind, but more importantly, the place to warm the remnant soul.

"But yes, but I need a lot of resources, regardless of level!" Xiao Chen said, as long as there is a pit value, there are as many physical bodies as you need in the system.

"Resources are not a problem. You can now mobilize the Sky Star Tower and all the resources of the various races in the Star City. The creators of the evil demons outside the territory will soon be broken. If you lose the battle, the more resources will be of no use. ."

Tian Xinger said, and at the same time, her order was directly transmitted to the heads of various races. After hearing this order, although these people were a little confused, none of them raised any questions.

Tian Xing'er was vigorous and fast, and just after a while, the door of the room rang, and there were many people standing outside, all of whom were the heads of various branches at present. In their hands, they had a storage ring.

"I have seen the Sect Master and the Supreme Elder!"

Some of these people knew Xiao Chen, some didn't, and they all saluted respectfully.

Xiao Chen nodded, moved his mind, and put away all the storage rings in their hands, and then came to a wide alchemy square in the alchemy pavilion.

Immediately afterwards, the system and the Eye of Reincarnation worked closely together. The first person to appear was the vicissitudes of life. His face did not change, but the physical body was full of vitality and power.

"How is this going?"

The old man looked confused.

"Remember our bet!" At this moment, Xiao Chen's voice came over. As soon as he turned around, he saw Xiao Chen, Tian Xing'er phantom, and the various persons in charge, with shocked expressions on his face. , Hastily saluted respectfully.

"I have seen the lord!"

"Yeah." Tian Xing'er nodded faintly, "What discomfort do you have now? How well does the soul fit with the body?"

The higher the fit between the body and the soul, the greater the power can be achieved. Of course, the body with the highest fit is the body that is born with the soul.

"This...!" Hearing this, the old man was startled. After a while, he held his hands and muttered: "By the way, I remembered that my body was ruined before, but what's the matter? I feel that this physical body is exactly the same as the one I brought when I was born, it is perfect."

"Yes, Dad Xiao Chen, go ahead!"

Tian Xing'er nodded, then looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"Okay!" Xiao Chen nodded, each body was created, and then the soul was put in. Soon, the strong man crushed by Xiao Chen in the square reappeared on the alchemy square, and they looked at each other. Looking at each other, there was shock and excitement in his eyes.

At the same time, they received a shocking news that the youth who suppressed them turned out to be the Supreme Elder of the Sky Star Sect. It is no wonder that they can use the tower protection of the Sky Star Tower.

Although they had never heard of the Supreme Elder, they recognized it now.

"The methods of the Supreme Elder are really amazing!"

"You can produce so many bodies that fit the soul perfectly, who is this super elder!"

"It's really a blessing for my Sky Star Sect to have such a super elder with extraordinary means!"

At the same time, Elder Liu, who was summoning his friends and preparing for revenge, also heard the news, and his face suddenly appeared in disbelief and regret.

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