Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3387: Real strength!

In the mountains outside the city of Stars.

The evil wing demon, the old soul-eater, the black iron sword demon, the three of them stared at Xiao Chen, is this kid really a junior, how can he be so strong?

"Boy, who are you, why can you condense the Soul Eater? Except for the people of my soul race, it is absolutely impossible for outsiders to condense the Soul Eater beast." The soul eater old man said in a deep voice. It is daunting because it can condense the Soul Eater and feed on the souls of other races. Now that he meets a person who is not a Soul Race but can condense Soul Eater, how could he treat it carelessly.

"Soul Eater? Speaking of it, I accidentally got a Soul Refining Art. It seems to have something to do with your soul clan. Besides, has Disha ever heard of it?"

Xiao Chen said indifferently, since he obtained the Soul Refining Art, his soul power has been advancing by leaps and bounds. With the Nine Turns Divine Desolation Judgment, the body and soul power have risen to the present level together. Of course, the soul-eater, through swallowing He naturally knows that other people's soul power improves soul power, but he doesn't even bother to do so.

And with the experience of reincarnation in the eyes of reincarnation, how could he use this method to enhance his soul power.

"Soul Refining Technique? My Soul Race is the treasure, how can you get it! You must know that Soul Refining Technique has a life and death contract with every member of the Soul Race. You can't search for souls or tell outsiders. As long as you violate one of them, the Soul Race The members will directly explode their souls, so that the enemy can't get anything. How can you get it?"

The old man said, his voice was very sharp and his soul was trembling. Obviously, this news shocked him and made him very unbelievable.

"I got it just like that." Xiao Chen said indifferently, he naturally wouldn't say anything about the system.

Seeing Xiao Chen's casual appearance, the old soul-eater became anxious, and his soul power immediately burned, staring at Xiao Chen firmly: "The soul-refining art is the most precious treasure of my clan. It is absolutely forbidden to be left out, even if you try hard today. If your cultivation base is damaged, I also want to kill you."

"You two, please show your true skills. Maybe this guy was born again by some old guy. If you look down on him, we will delay a lot of time. If you delay the task, you will know the consequences."

"Since my Black Iron Sword Demon was born, I have always chopped people. Today is the first time I was chopped. If you don't chop him into flesh, it will be difficult to quench my anger."

The Black Iron Sword Demon coldly said, the voice fell, and a strong demon energy suddenly radiated from his body. The demon energy rolled out, trying to swallow the entire sky, and the long sword in his hand was attached with a layer of demon flame. , Exuding a breathtaking cold light.

"That's right, the old man has killed countless people. This is the first time he has been so despised. If he can't be killed, the reputation of the old man's wing evil demon will not be a joke."

The evil wing demon said gloomily, as his voice fell, his whole body, except for his head, all grew sharp feathers, the evil wing demon formally turned into a birdman, with bloodthirsty cold light in his eyes.

Seeing the terrifying aura released by the three of them, Zhu Yufengyan and others' complexions changed drastically. They knew that the three of them were serious.

Xiao Chen became a little dignified, and he deserves to be a strong man who has challenged the creators. The momentum alone is enough to make most strong men intimidate.

"I'm going to fuck, you be careful!"

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