Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3389: Together!

Xiao Chen's voice fell, and the time and space smash was launched suddenly, and there was a booming sound. Although the Black Iron Sword Demon had a brief look of consternation, after all, he was a super strong, and directly escaped the explosions. This is still Xiao Chen Shikong smashed back for the first time without success.

"The new generation of Earth Sha, what is going on!" Yi Sha Tianma muttered.

"The evil wing demon, what are you doing in a daze, take it quickly!" Black Iron Sword Demon cried.

Hearing the words of the Black Iron Sword Demon, the Evil Wing Demon finally reacted, and a flap of wings had already appeared in front of Xiao Chen, and his wings were directly transformed into two sharp swords, and they stabbed against Xiao Chen.

"Time and space are still!" Just when the sharp sword was about to fall, Xiao Chen said indifferently, and the body of the evil wing demon was suddenly startled. Although the time and space were still, it could only allow the evil wing to stay for a short time, but it was enough for Xiao Chen A fist hit him in the face, sending him flying out.

"That idiot, what the **** is doing!" Black Iron Sword Demon said coldly. From his point of view, it was the Heavenly Wing Demon that hit Xiao Chen's fist with his face. He knew that Heavenly Wing Demon could not be trusted, so his face fell on his face. Cold, the whole body's strength gathered at one point, and the Demon Flame Sword in his hand slashed directly at Xiao Chen. A huge flame sword light cut away the explosion formed by the shattering of time and space, and then slashed towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen glanced up, the spear appeared in his hand, and suddenly, he raised the flames of the sword into the sky and shot into the sky, bursting out beautiful fireworks.

But at this moment, the Wing Sha Tian Demon also returned, with a clear fist mark on his face.

The Wing Sha Heavenly Demon was so angry that he was hit in the face with a punch by Xiao Chen, even if he had lived for millions of years of cultivation, he was completely angered at this time.

"Ying Sha strangling!" The Yi Sha Tian demon roared, his voice was full of killing intent towards Xiao Chen, countless feathers turned into sharp swords and shot at Xiao Chen.

"The sword demon dances wildly!" Seeing this, the black iron sword demon flicked the long sword in his hand, and suddenly flaming sword glows, slashing towards Xiao Chen.

Feather swords, flame sword glow, densely appeared in midair, and then swallowed Xiao Chen.

In just one round of attacks, the entire forest was destroyed, and the young girls of the Vermilion and Phoenix clan were all blown out, not knowing how far away.

The Black Iron Sword Demon and the Evil Wing Demon stood high in the air, looking down, without any expression on their faces. After everything was over, Xiao Chen stood faintly in a big pit, and around him, feathered swords and swords had already been attacked. The flame sword light hit a huge pit.

"How exactly did this kid cultivate? We two did our best to make an effort, but we didn't even kill him." The evil spirit wings said in a deep voice.

"Who is he? Even those ancient guys, it is absolutely impossible to take the full attack of the two of us so easily." The Black Iron Sword Demon also said solemnly.

"You have been attacking for a long time, and it's mine."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's faint voice came, and his right foot slammed on the ground. The entire forest was shaking, and Xiao Chen was already holding a spear, like a rocket, and charged towards the two of them.

"Join together!" The Black Iron Sword Demon said without hesitation. The Evil Wing Demon nodded, and then the feathers on his body formed a sharp sword in his hand, and then the two of them cut out at the same time, a feathered sword and a flame sword. , Directly fused together to form a tornado of sword blades, and the two condensed all the power of the whole body on this sword.


next moment!

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